What the inside of one of those typical Chemtrail planes looks like...!!!

The SEVEN Planetary Perils For Humans Reaching New Earth Ascension: – (1) Air…
Views: 1559There are many widely known and experienced perils to maintaining a Human planetary existence. However, they are not always acknowledged even when they are exposed. Most people would prefer to deny or ignore them, even though many people may not even be aware of their presence, but, just like Nuclear ionising radiations, they are Real, do Exist and present a very real threat to every living being in their pathway towards New Earth Ascension.
These Perils, I believe, can be categorised as emanating from the following:
(1) Air, (2) Water, (3) Food, (4) EMFs, (5) Chemicals/Drugs/Pharmaceuticals, (6) Occult/Mind Manipulation Programming; and (7) Economic/Monetary Bondage…
These are the SEVEN most basic physical systems and means of control of the Human quality life experience on this planet. It’s because of their most basic foundational nature that no being can escape their influence or control.
They at best can be offset or present a counter point to cancel out their affecting nature. But they cannot avoid, ignore and deny them while living a physical Earth-like existence.
(1) Air…
No one – where ever they live on the planet – can have failed to notice the snow-white like trails crisis crossing the sky from passing Jet planes on clear bright/sunny days.They are too numerous to simply discount as smoke plumes or condensed water vapours.
Indeed, they can be distinguished from regular passenger jet airliners which show none of these attributes. So just what are these trails?
They are, of course now, widely known and accepted as Chemtrails. But has anyone really taken the time to research and analyse just what is in these trails? Well, Yes! Many people have. Scientists and government officials too. (Even though many government officials will either deny their existence or play down any harmful effects they might cause)

Make no mistake Chemtrails are a Real and Deadly threat to our AIR and environment.
In addition, the FACT that spraying has been taking place globally over the past 60-40 years, without any public consent, shows the extent to which this has clearly been a covertly planned, orchestrated, globally financed and administered Geo-engineered project
…But its not the only threat to AIR pollution…
Recently in 2016, a world-wide scandal emerged over car emissions and the falsifying of Nitrous Oxide (NOx) figures for popular diesel cars. While the Volkswagen group was seen as one of the leading culprits caught out misleading customers on the actual polluting effects of its cars. It quickly emerged they were by no means the only global car corporation doing so.
Car NOx fumes, particulate matter and their harmful respiratory effects are a major concern, particularly in urban cities, causing annual deaths in children and retarding their early developmental growth. It’s also a major contribution towards causes of city smog.
Diesel engines contribute to the problem in two key ways – through the production of particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Very fine soot PM can penetrate the lungs and can contribute to cardiovascular illness and death.
See – Four major cities move to ban diesel vehicles by 2025…
Also, – Everyone on Earth Is Polluted Now (Including You!)
A US study found 232 industrial chemicals and pollutants in the umbilical cord blood of newborns.
Pollution is much more than an environmental challenge…
“…The deaths are largely through the non-infectious diseases pollution causes including heart conditions, strokes and lung cancer, according to the large international study.
“Professor Philip Landrigan, from the Icahn School of Medicine in New York City, who co-led the investigation, said: “Pollution is much more than an environmental challenge – it is a profound and pervasive threat that affects many aspects of human health and well-being.
The study found pollution was linked to around nine million deaths worldwide in 2015…”
Spain Admits Spraying Chemtrails As Part Of Secret UN Program…
“…Chemical trails, commonly known as chemtrails, refer to the white trails sometimes left behind as airplanes fly through the sky. An estimated 17% of people worldwide believe that these trails are actually toxic chemicals that are intentionally sprayed into the air as part of a secret large-scale atmospheric program (SLAP), also sometimes referred to as covert geoengineering…”
Cloud Seeding Has Been Going on for Decades…
“…It should be noted that certain forms of geoengineering are already in use. It was the middle of the 20th century when geoengineering was first developed, using World War II technologies.
Cloud seeding is one such example that’s been used for decades and involves “seeding” clouds with silver iodide or solid carbon dioxide to promote rain and snow or weaken tropical storms. At least eight western U.S. states and dozens of countries use cloud seeding to enhance precipitation…”
Rainwater everywhere on Earth contains cancer-causing ‘forever chemicals’, study finds…
“…Even in the most remote parts of the world, the level of so-called “forever chemicals” in the atmosphere has become so high that rainwater is now “unsafe to drink” according to newly released water quality guidelines.
Forever chemicals are a group of man-made hazardous products known as PFAS, which stands for perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances, some of which are linked to cancer in humans.
In recent decades they have spread globally through water courses, oceans, soils and the atmosphere and as a result, they can now be found in the rainwater and snow in even the most remote locations on Earth – from Antarctica to the Tibetan Plateau, researchers have said…”
What the inside of one of those typical Chemtrail planes looks like…!!!