UFOs and ETs are a natural phenomenon. So why is there so much disbelief?

UFOs and ETs are a natural phenomenon. So why is there so much disbelief?

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The subject of UFOs and Extra-terrestrials has fascinated me for some time. Ever since I was a child I have always been intrigued about the discovery of life on other planets. Even before the age of the Internet I collected books and The Unexplained magazines on the subject; watched movies, videos, films and held long talks, with anyone who would listen, on the phenomenon.

I had long been a follower of the popular held scientific view of how the solar system had evolved (Big Bang theory) and how life had spontaneously given birth (Darwin and modern day evolutionary theory) and spread all over our small blue planet. Regardless of whether you believed this to be true or not it held the most “plausible or rational” explanation at the time. And when the Apollo space program began I became an avid follower and listened for details of any indications of NASA finding evidence of “little green men”.

Many times I had high hopes that something would be discovered. I remember when I was 9 years old and the Apollo astronauts first landed on the moon. I was sure they were going to discover something eventually. But nothing ever really materialized. Even when they sent out probes to explore the solar system and the nearest planets like Venus, Mars and Jupiter. Broadcasting pictures for all the world to see. It always seemed like there was nothing remotely life like out there. Just rocks, dust, gases, big boulders and meteorites. Besides the distances between planets and stars are so vast in outer space that even light couldn’t travel fast enough in time to make serious expeditions possible within a human life time. So how could we possibly be being visited by Aliens or Flying Saucers???

Such was my accepted wisdom and uncontested knowledge at the time. But really what else would I have been expected to believe? Surely Apollo crew Astronauts going back and forth to the Moon would have noticed UFOs if any had been out there?

Well. In fact it turns out that they did!!! But you could never have known that at the time because NASA officially, according to Apollo 11 Astronaut – Buzz Alrdin; denied it.




See the comment below for a more revealing update on what really happened on the first Apollo 11 moon landing: What Really Happened?

New! See also comment: Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon, testifies to extraterrestrial visitation and military cover up.

New! See also comment: Film maker Stanley Kubrick admits NASA moon landings were faked…

UFO Pictures RELEASED by NASA – Taken by American Astronauts

(see my latest comment:  “…in the book Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects that while in orbit the crew did in fact witness a visual sightings of what later came to be known as UFOS…,) – UFO Pictures RELEASED by NASA

Now here is an excellent video which analyses some of NASA’s more recent space shuttle missions. These are pictures which most people may never have had the opportunity to have explained to them. NASA Footage – Real Proof Of UFOs & ETs

(See also this latest comment on: NASA’s Alien Anomalies Caught on Film)

Fast forward to the present now in 2010. Where there is a lot more factual evidence, data and information freely available over the Internet about UFOs. In fact you don’t even have to look at whats available today for such information.

So for example on May 9th, 2001 in the USA. An event entitled Project Disclosure was announced:

“A large number of Ex High ranking officials including Air Traffic Controllers, Ex Secret OP Officers, Commercial pilots, numerous Military Defense Specialists with Top Secret clearance, people who had access to very sensitive documents Lieutenants, Ex Commanders in the USA Air Force, Astronauts,etc…

All these people went before the national press in a press conference to discuss what their experiences had been regarding UFOs. And all were willing to go before Congress to testify under Oath…

Never before had such a group come forward…”

This has been fully documented and is freely available over the Internet in a 2 hour video. (See Project Disclosure May 9th 2001 via youtube.com here now…). So why is there still so much disbelief in UFOs? (see my recent comment on the officially available evidence for UFOs and ETs)

(See the latest comment on Disclosure by Dr Steven Greer 2013)

Now that was 9 years ago. But quite a lot has happened since then… (See latest comment on Disclosure by Dr Steven Greer 2013)… One of reasons why there continues to be skepticism and disbelief is because of the role of governments. Time and time again it can be heard that government officials continually feed false information to the public about the existence of Extra-Terrestrial life. This trend started back in 1947 when the now famous “Roswell UFO ” or “Weather Balloon” – which ever you prefer – crash happened. But see my latest comment by a former CIA operative here.

Again fast forward to 2010 and they are still recruiting well renowned scientists (by ignorance or otherwise) to propagate this mis-informed reasoning to account for why we should continue to doubt the evidence of Alien visitation. Or why we should be wary, if they do exist, of encountering less than benevolent ETs.

BBC News - Stephen Hawking warns over making contact with alien

Surprisingly, for a well known respected scientist Professor Stephen Hawkings. Who “co-incidentally” happens to be making a series of programs on this very subject for the Discovery Channel. You might have expected him to be a bit more informed. So it was interesting to note what an Ex-Military Defense Minister from the Canadian Government was prompted to say:

“I think he’s indulging in some pretty scary talk there that I would have hoped would not come from someone with such an established stature,” Hellyer said in an interview.

“I think it’s really sad that a scientist of his repute would contribute to what I would consider more misinformation about a vast and very important subject.”

The former Canadian Ex-Military government official (Paul Hellyer) appears to have some knowledge of what he is talking about as was demonstrated in this recent Exopolitics 2010 conference he spoke at:


See latest comment: Advice from ETs by Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense of Canada…..Extracted from the “Citizens Disclosure Conference April/May 2013″…


But then Professor Stephen Hawkings is not alone in this regard. There appear to be any number of ready made “skeptics” prepared to dish out self-opinionated, ill-reasoned, mis-information to a less than barely informed public. A less recent report. A CNN news video debate in 2009 centered on a similar disclosure press conference that took place in Washington DC, USA. This was much more global in scope and featured: Ex High ranking officials including Air Traffic Controllers, Ex Secret OP Officers, Commercial pilots, etc.. from around the world. Countries like Iran, France, UK, etc,:

(see my recent comment on the officially available evidence for UFOs and ETs)


Perhaps if they were actually more “skeptical – open”; and less “cynical -closed” while seriously investigating this topic they may have come across the Exopolitics Institute web site:


Exopolitics is defined as an interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.

The Exopolitics Institute supports the study and dissemination of information and technologies from ‘whistleblowers’ or ‘private citizens’ who claim to have physically interacted with extraterrestrials, or had access to covert military-corporate programs involving extraterrestrial technologies. The Institute promotes ‘citizen diplomacy initiatives’ for peaceful communications and interactions with extraterrestrial civilizations that evidence suggests are interacting with or monitoring humanity.

The Institute seeks to prepare humanity for interacting with extraterrestrial civilizations whose existence is supported by credible evidence, and supports full public disclosure by government authorities of all evidence concerning the extraterrestrial presence. The Institute supports the vision of an interconnected global human society that interacts with extraterrestrial civilizations in a peaceful, harmonious and mutually respectful manner.

This is an international organisation which has been in existence since 2003. Co-ordinated by Dr Michael Salla Phd. This site contains the most thorough and extensively researched discussion documents on the evidence” and Political implications of the Extra-Terrestial Presence.

One of these discussion documents details a list of the most significant ETs who are already interacting with humanity…

(See also my comments here: Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike’s great-granddaughter, speaks out providing a detailed historical audio account of US secret contact with different ET groups and beings)

There are an extensive number of extraterrestrial races known to be currently interacting with Earth and the human population. In a 1998 interview, Clifford Stone, a retired US army Sergeant who served in the US Army for 22 years and participated in covert operations to retrieve crashed extraterrestrial ships and extraterrestrial biological entities (EBE’s), revealed there were a total of 57 extraterrestrial races known to the US military. From this pool of extraterrestrial races, a number are more active than others, and can be claimed to have the most significance for human evolution and sovereignty.

This report describes the main extraterrestrial races most commonly referred to in the literature who appear to have most strategic significance for the evolution and sovereignty of humanity, and their impact on a range of systemic global problems. The report distinguishes between these extraterrestrial races on the basis of their belonging to one of either two distinct groups. The first group contains extraterrestrial races with which ‘shadow governments’ responsible for extraterrestrial affairs, have reached agreements with and even collaborated in a number of joint projects. Book on Exopolitics

The extensive set of interlocking agreements between these races and the ‘shadow government’ in the US and elsewhere suggests the existence of a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex of interests. There is also a second grouping of extraterrestrial races that lie outside of this web of clandestine agreements between extraterrestrial races and ‘shadow governments’/national security agencies. Most ‘contactees’ report these races to be ‘friendly’ to human interests suggesting a more ethical approach to the challenges confronting humanity as it prepares for the truth about the extraterrestrial presence and challenges posed by advanced extraterrestrial technology.

This report will first describe the group of extraterrestrials that are part of a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex that while mainly associated with the US, is global in scope. The report will then describe the second group of extraterrestrials who have declined to be associated with the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex. Distinguishing between extraterrestrial groups in this way helps bring to prominence the complex ethical-legal-political dimensions in understanding how different extraterrestrial races choose to cooperate or not with the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex.

Understanding the motivations and activities of the most significant extraterrestrial races will help greatly in answering questions about appropriate policies to adopt; and will also help private individuals respond adequately to the dilemma over which extraterrestrial races contribute to global problems confronting humanity, and which extraterrestrial races can be worked with for the evolution and emancipation of humanity.

Abstract taken from: A Report on the Motivations and Activities of Extraterrestrial Races – A Typology of the Most Significant Extraterrestrial Races Interacting with Humanity by Dr Michael Salla Phd.

Table of Negative ETs:

Table of Positive ETs:

(See also my comments here:See also: “The Alien Agenda” in the comments below…)

(See also my comments here: Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike’s great-granddaughter, speaks out providing a detailed historical audio account of US secret contact with different ET groups and beings)

(See also this comment from a French farmer (1969) who spent a year with a collective of well intentioned ETs from a Galactic Federation:  “…You are conquerors, you are warriors. The leaders of your planet, civil or military, they are conquerors, they are go-getters, they are mentally ill. (He used this term mentally ill”.) “You need to understand, as long as you go round in circles on your planet, we’re going to let you go round. But when it comes to going elsewhere, we’ll prevent you…”

For my updated Facebook links goto #Kwamla_ETs
For updated links in Exopolitics and the “Secret Space Program” click here:

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88 thoughts on “UFOs and ETs are a natural phenomenon. So why is there so much disbelief?

    • Author gravatar

      Will these alien visitors have any problems living in our environment? As int breathing in oxygen, food and vegetation etc?

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      Will these alien visitors have any problems living in our environment? As in breathing in oxygen, food and vegetation etc? Is there a preferred nation of entry, as in the USA as they seem to be more prominent in exploring in these space voyages?

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      According to the information provided here. Some are walking and blending amongst us right now without any problems. An example of this particular group would be from the Pleladians. This group have all the typical Blonde and blue eyed characteristics of most common white people. There is another called the Nordics.

      The US has had some of the most clandestine dealings with different ETs but all countries have had encounters, Russia, UK, France, even Africa. This is what is prompting “Disclosure”. The more benevolent ETs are threating to go to other countries if the the US does not announce soon.

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        This is the video made by a Harvard Professor from the 90’s when 60+ school children in Zimbabwe, South Africa had an encounter with beings from a UFO…

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      This is a fascinating experience and account of where we are and where we could be once we grow up and come to terms with accepting our ET and UFO heritage..

      “…Multiple alien abductions with total recall. Read about the experiences of Jim Sparks. A truly amazing story of alien interaction with humans…

      …I differ from most abuctees in that I have near total recall of my experiences with these beings from other regions and dimensions of space and time. My goal is to explain the agenda of these beings and the message they bring to humanity….”

      Having listened now to at least 3 hrs of recorded talks with Jim Sparks its quite clear that the information he is sharing provides a real, rare and detailed insight into the abduction phenomenon; the ETs (Greys, Reptilians) and the government military behind it; and a positive message to assist understanding benevolent ETs.


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      The following is an interview with John Lear who provides an account of what a typical statement (from the US Government) would contain if, or when, they decided to issue one based on the public (or ET) pressure for disclosure on ETs.

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      “…Scientists determined that mysterious signals received in 1957 were transmitted to Earth from an advanced alien civilization. Decades have passed while security analysts and dedicated cryptographers struggled to decipher the enigmatic messages from a completely unknown, distant alien culture.

      Now, in 2011, the National Security Agency—one of the United States’ most secret intelligence gathering organizations—has released under protest (forced by order of a U.S. Federal Court judge) stunning information about intelligent life in the universe.

      But as usual, the non-curious, inept, doltish mainstream media completely ignores it…”


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      This detailed interview (from the late Dr Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde) covers much of what is currently known about the existence of UFOs and ETs; its history and how duped we are into believing, by not being told the whole story, that its all just fantasy…REALLY? And how long has it officially been known that ETs, in general, are not a threat?

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      “… In March of 1995, the UPN aired a most intriguing Disney-produced television special about UFOs, entitled ‘Alien Encounters from New Tomorrowland.’ This highly unusual broadcast presents UFOs and alien visitation to our planet as a matter of fact. Though the film’s existence is acknowledged by the respected website of the Internet Movie Database, you will not find it available anywhere for purchase.

      Those who tracked this incredible production state that it was shown only once, and with no advance notice on stations in only five US cities. Thanks to a viewer who was able to roll the VCR and capture it, we have a record of the startling statements it contained. Watch this fascinating 45-minute program at the link below.

      At first glance, this unique Disney television special appears to be an elaborate promotion of a scary New Tomorrowland ride on alien encounters which was about to open at Disney World. But on closer inspection, it is much more. The entire program, which opens with a short segment by Disney CEO Michael Eisner, does not even question the existence of UFOs and a major UFO cover-up. In fact, at times it has a tone of ridicule towards those who still deny the existence of UFOs …”

      “… Considering the very limited showing and audience, and the highly unusual stance on UFOs taken, many suspect that this program was a probe to measure public reaction to news of the reality of visitation and interaction with various forms of non-human intelligent life on Earth …”

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      The Betty & Barney Hill abduction case:

      This is probably one of the most published and well documented UFO cases of all time…precisely because of the inter-racial make up of the couple: “…The Hills were also members of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and community leaders…”

      ‎”…Betty and Barney Hill were from Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Barney worked for the post office and Betty was a social worker.

      On the night of September19th, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were heading back from a vacation in Southern Canada to their home in New England. They claimed to have observed a bright light in the sky that appeared to be following them. They arrived home at about 3 am and realized (later, when it was pointed out to them) that they had lost about 2 hours of time. Two weeks later Betty began having nightmares. In her nightmares, she described being taken aboard an alien spacecraft and then having medical experiments performed on her. Betty and Barney then decided to undergo hypnosis.

      In separate sessions, they described some similar experiences of being taken on board an alien spacecraft. Betty said she was shown a star map which she was able to memorize and reproduce later, which some believe is showing Zeta Reticuli as the aliens’ home.

      Under Barneys hypnotic session he said a cup-like device was placed over his genitals and thought that a sperm sample was taken. He also said he heard them speaking in a mumbling language that he did not understand. The UFO incident was distracting and embarrassing for Barney Hill. He feared that the tabloid publicity would tarnish his battle for equality and dignity.

      The Hills eventually went back to their regular lives but were always willing to discuss the UFO encounter with friends and UFO researchers. The release of the book “Interrupted Journey” in the mid-1960s, and a movie called The UFO Incident, starring James Earl Jones and Estelle Parsons turned Betty and Barney Hill into the world’s most famous UFO “abductees.”

      Interesting Fact: Some psychiatrists suggested later that the supposed abduction was a hallucination brought on by the stress of being an interracial couple in early 60s. Betty discounted this suggestion, saying that her relationship with Barney was happy, and their interracial marriage caused no notable problems with their friends or family. Barney died of a cerebral hemorrhage in 1969, and Betty died of cancer in 2004. Many of Betty Hill’s notes, tapes and other items have been placed in a permanent collection at the library of the University of New Hampshire, her alma mater…”

      10 Fascinating Interracial Marriages in History

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        We must remember, as Dolores Cannon said, alot of these ‘abductions’ are routine check-ups of the Terrans. Our fear and ignorance leads us to perceive them as negative events. His sperm was used to help seed another planet…

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          There are 3 main purposes for forceful abductions I have researched and come across:
          1. To create hybrid beings between humans and Greys (para-humans) where agreement has been given on a higher spiritual level. And where it has not by our governments.
          2 Where our governments are actually involved for experimental military purposes. Sometimes in conjunction with the Greys other times after an unidentified alien visitation has occurred to elicit information..
          3. For feeding and other experimental purposes particular by the Greys on behalf of the Reptilians..

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      A more up to date account of one man’s abduction and encounters with ETs.

      “…The Stan Romanek case is an amazing scientifically documented human extraterrestrial encounters case…”

      One man’s extraordinary story which has been turned into a film soon to be released…

      Incredibly, Stan also testifies to having exchanged clothing (a night dress) with Betty Hill (see comment before: Betty & Barney Hill abduction case) during one abduction experience and has, not just the clothing to prove it but, contact with Betty’s daughter who verified that a unique shirt he wore in bed had mysteriously ended up on her mother!

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        The Stan Romanek Story – Messages – Full UFO Contact Documentary

        “…Messages: The Stan Romanek Story – We are not alone and Stan Romanek can prove it. From his first sighting of a UFO to chilling alien abductions, Romanek relives his personal journey as a conduit of extraterrestrial contact. But what’s most shocking are the strange messages these unearthly visitors communicate to Romanek – authentic equations relating to space travel and planetary diagrams pinpointing what could be an auspicious date for the human race…”


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        Meet Bridget Nielsen: 26-Year-Old Mother of 10 Hybrid Human Alien Children

        This is a very light-heated interview but very in depth as Bridget covers and explains her own as well as much of the on going abduction phenomena. Many of the comments here on this blog (by people such as Stan Romanek) are corroborated and expanded on to produce a clear insight and understanding of what is exactly going on and who it is happening to. Though I have yet to find any multiple accounts of abductions of indigenous native peoples of this planet. Only native white Europeans and Westerners?

        Click here to watch: Bridget Nielsen: 26-Year-Old Mother of 10 Hybrid Human Alien Children

        “…Here, the undauntingly chipper Bridget Nielsen explains to an interviewer what the alien hybridization program is, from her perspective, how it involves most members of her famliy and how it is responsible for her bearing 10 alien hybrid babies, while in a kind of dreamstate on an alien craft, by the time she was just 26 years old, last October, when this was filmed, in a natural park surrounding the stunning red rocks of Sedona, Arizona…”

        See Forbidden Knowledge TV

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      “…CIA Veteran, Chase Brandon says “Roswell Happened!”

      This is considered by some to be a ‘limited hangout’ admission by the CIA regarding the reality of the Roswell Incident and that it was “not of this world…”


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        Roswell – Alien Interview and William Cooper Materials (Full Complete Documentary)

        This is probably the most detailed and comprehensive video account (5.5hrs) of a captured Grey ET (IS-BE) who was extensively interviewed and interrogated after the Roswell UFO crash of July 1947.

        Its an actual US Government transcribed document from the female military nurse who was the only person the ET would consent to speak to. The ET being (IS-BE) spoke telepathically to the nurse who then spoke to another operator to transcribe her words.

        The interview took place over 3 months culminating in the US Military Government killing the Grey ET in the interests of ” security purposes”.

        This is probably the most real and factual account that exists to corroborate the FACT that the 1947 Roswell event really did occur.

        The IS-BE called “Airl” referred to her self and other life forms as “Immortal Spiritual Beings”


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      This is a great story told by Alex Collier about his direct contact experience with an ET race – The Andromedans

      This is definitely captivating even though its 1.5hrs long. However the insight Alex brings about the nature of our relationship with the Andromedans is exceptional. If only for the distinction they make between Technology and Spirituality. Which some of us on this planet are slowly waking up to appreciate.

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      Aliens ‘already exist on earth’, Bulgarian scientists claim

      “…They are not hostile towards us, rather, they want to help us but we have not grown enough in order to establish direct contact with them.

      Mr Filipov said that even the seat of the Catholic church, the Vatican, had agreed that aliens existed.

      He said humans were not going to be able to establish contact with the extraterrestrials through radio waves but through the power of thought.

      “The human race was certainly going to have direct contact with the aliens in the next 10 to 15 years,” he said…”


      Of course most people simply don’t realise the truth of this. But in the coming years this will change as more revelations emerge like this. Most world Governments covertly know and understand this and have done so for at least the last 70 years. Its also true to state these (benevolent) ones are probably not the ones Governments like the US, Russia or China are in contact with.

      The government and press have been lying about UFO’s since the very beginning of the press in the United States. Most people in the world now say that they believe that UFO’s are real. They know that governments have hidden the truth about UFOs and aliens. Maybe someday the governments of the world can quit playing games and actually admit that we’ve been working with Aliens for many decades now, we have a secret space fleet, time travel, teleportation and free energy too! But all this technology remains hidden so that the world can keep paying debt monies for an oil based economy. The corrupt new world order that controls our government now likes it this way!

      No instead of telling us that we’ve been lied to for the last 50 plus years about UFO’s, I think Obama, and whoever the Republican replacement will be, would rather spend trillions per year on more wars over oil that we haven’t needed for 50 years! It makes absolutely no sense unless you are in the New World Order and want to keep all the technology to yourself while killing off (us) the “useless eaters”.

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      What really happened on the first Apollo 11 moon landing?

      “…Armstrong’s walk on the moon was televised and witnessed by hundreds of millions around the planet. For many it was an unforgettable experience and sparked hopes of a bright future for human space travel. What Armstrong experienced that day on the moon has been marked by controversy over a two minute period of radio silence that surprised viewers and fueled many theories over what really happened. According to alleged leaked government documents and photographs, Armstrong did not just see the barren landscape televised to millions, but something much more significant. According to NASA insiders and an alleged ham radio transmission intercept, what Armstrong witnessed that day changed his life, and led to the eventual abandonment of the manned lunar missions. According to alleged leaked documents, two huge extraterrestrial spacecraft watched the Apollo 11 landing, and observed the Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin moon walks.

      During the Apollo 11 moon landing, there was a two minute period of radio silence. According to NASA, the problem arose from one of two television cameras overheating, thus disrupting the reception. What really happened, according to various sources, was that Armstrong and Aldrin saw something else watching them! According to Timothy Good, author of Above Top Secret (1988) HAM radio operators receiving the VHF signals transmitted from Apollo 11 to NASA’s Houston headquarters, intercepted the following message which NASA screened from the public in the missing two minutes:

      Mission Control:

      What’s there ? Mission Control calling Apollo 11.

      Apollo 11:

      These babies are huge, sir … enormous….Oh, God, you wouldn’t believe it! I’m telling you there are other space craft out there… lined up on the far side of the crater edge… they’re on the moon watching us. (Above Top Secret, p. 384.)…”

      “…First man on moon dies along with secrets of what he saw…”

      Neil Armstrong’s UFO Secret

      “…Many have asked if Armstrong took with him the secrets of what really happened during the famed 1969 Lunar Landing. Well, yes- and no.

      Over the years, I have gotten to know a number of astronauts- and very close family members and friends of astronauts. As you may recall, my uncle was the senior project engineer for Grumman (now Northrop Grumman) that built the Lunar Module, that landed on the moon in July of 1969…”

      “…if he spoke about what really happened during the moon landing, that Neil Armstrong, his wife, and children would all be killed. It was put to me this bluntly…”


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      There are two methods of conducting an investigation into something. One is to take a “skeptical – open” approach and the other is to adopt a more “cynical – closed” approach. From the onset into investigating the phenomenon of UFOs the latter method (cynical) was the one adopted by the US Government in its official investigation – now publicly available to download and listen to or read – Project Blue Book.

      “…The Report on Unidentified Flying ObjectsThe Report on Unidentified Flying Objects

      by Edward J. Ruppelt (1923-1960)

      ‘Straight from the horse’s mouth’, as they say. Edward Ruppelt was the first head of the U.S. Air Force’s Project Blue Book, the official project initiated to investigate UFO reports beginning in 1952. This report from 1956 takes us inside these initial investigations, separates fact from fiction, and gives insight into who, when, where, and how sightings were reported and researched in open-minded fashion (for which Ruppelt was renowned), rather than in the typical hushed and secretive (and censored) manner most often associated with government and military reports which are released to the public….”


      The year 1952 was a year that officially saw more reported UFO sightings than any other. If ever there was a year for full UFO disclosure this should have been it. What made this most significant was the repeated sightings of UFOs over the capital Washington DC. However, the true facts surrounding these reports were instrumentally covered up by a number of factors: Bureaucracy; failure to properly investigate; threats to jobs and reputation; and of course cynicism.

      These two narrated reports describe a detailed account of what happened at the time:

      11 – The Big Flap – 00:58:10

      12 – The Washington Merry-Go-Round – 00:57:22

      The full report: “…The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects…” can be found here:

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      UFO Files – Brazil’s Roswell

      “…In September 1977, something amazing appears in the night sky over the Brazilian island of Colares in the Amazon delta–a luminous object hovering about 15 feet over the water. For nearly two months, strange flying objects visit the island–some big, some small, saucer-shaped, cigar-shaped, some luminous and some not. Witnesses report they felt as if blood had been sucked from them by the strange rays. More than 30 residents suffer puncture wounds or burns after their encounters. Two islanders reportedly die from their injuries. The Brazilian Air Force sends a task force to the island for three months and it returns with 300 night photos and several motion picture reels. Though a 500-page report is compiled, along with a catalogue of the sightings, maps, and interview transcripts, it’s kept from the public. Then, in May 2005, a few of the details are released, but many questions go unanswered. In this unique hour, we examine these mysterious happenings in depth…”

      “…The panic reached great proportions and led to the creation of a military operation of the Brazilian Air force dedicated to investigate the subject. Called “Operation Saucer”, it would become one of the biggest “ufology” stories in Brazil, mainly after in 1997 its commander, Uyrange Hollanda, publicly confirmed his participation in the operation…”

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      UFOs Best Evidence – Government Cover-up

      “…This video features one of the most comprehensive examinations of the UFO phenomenon ever produced…”

      Episode-2: THE GOVERNMENT COVERUP: Examines how governments, especially our own, have been hiding the truth about secret UFO studies, astronaut encounters and military battles with alien craft. We also take viewers along with us on our unprecedented trip to Russia, where we investigate UFO secrets from behind the once Iron Curtain.

      Episode-3: STRANGE ENCOUNTERS:

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        Scientist Reveals Area 51 Secrets On UFOs and Aliens

        Shortly before Boyd Bushman passed away on August 7, 2014, he was video recorded candidly speaking about his personal experiences with Area 51, UFOs, aliens and anti-gravity ideas. Boyd was a retired Senior Scientist for Lockheed Martin. His career spanned over forty years, was awarded many patents, and included work with defense contractors Hughes Aircraft, General Dynamics, Texas Instruments, and Lockheed Martin.


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      NASA’s Alien Anomalies Caught on Film – Luna Cognita

      “…This compilation includes many of my favorite NASA UFO encounters/sightings that I have archived over the years. All of these examples (with the exception of the second-to-last one) were captured on film by NASA astronauts or Russian Cosmonauts over the past half-century – showing many amazing examples from different eras – Gemini, Apollo, Apollo/Soyuz Test Project, Skylab, STS, the ISS, plus a couple Russian-source additions from their unmanned Zond and Mir Space Station programs as well thrown in to round things out.

      The second last example is the only one in the compilation that features footage that was not taken in space and is not official-source (NASA or Soviet/Russian Space Agency). That clip shows an LTP (Lunar Transient Phenomenon) event captured through a camera connected to the eyepiece of a terrestrial-based telescope that luckily was being focused on the Moon at the time. In this case, the LTP manifests as an object transiting across the face of the lunar disc. Many thanks to amateur astronomer Alberto Mayer of Italy for doing a wonderful job of filming this stunning event (and for stacking the footage for us all to see).

      While the examples you will see here captured on film can all be “officially” classified as “unidentified” objects, that absolutely does NOT mean that NASA, the DoD, and certain elements within the scientific community worldwide are completely in the dark as to what these things you are seeing are. Make no mistake: The Powers That Be are indeed aware of far more about our mysterious Universe than they are ever willing to admit to us. We, the plebeian masses of this planet, are being held in a state of enforced ignorance, deemed not worthy of knowing the full truth by those who are REALLY “running the show” down here on Earth. As this video shows over and over again however, there are indeed snippets of that amazing truth that have been left scattered about the official government archives over the decades, there for us to find so we may begin to educate ourselves about what is the most monumental coverup in human history – where the only thing more incredible than the lies is the truth!…”

      Part 2

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      The Dr Jonathan Reed Story (Real Life Alien Encounter)

      (Translation taken from: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsvhaJNG6P8&feature=related)

      “...On October 15, 1996, Dr. Jonathan Reed, a specialist in child psychology went for a picnic with his dog Suzie in the Cascade Mountains, northwest of Seattle.

      …He had an encounter with an alien … The strange alien is attacked by his Golden Retriever and advocates killing the dog in a strange way…

      , creating a mixture of fear and anger at Dr Reed … This feeling did not stop him from defending his pet, but without success, he reached the alien breaking his head and leaving him senseless, seemingly dead …

      Dr. Reed, shocked by the ordeal, recognizes the presence of a foreign object levitating in the surrounding area, thanks to a buzz that perceived and gradually makes you feel sick … Approaching the object, the noise increases, causing vomiting and diarrhea, a form of acute dehydration. Suddenly … Dr Reed reaches a level of not being able to stand up and thinks “you’re going to die in this wooded area” … After a few minutes, he remembers his backpack finds it and brings out a video camera and decides to document what happened … He does so with great effort, and then wraps the body in what he considers appropriate, in a thermal foil that was with him, not knowing whether to hide the body or take it somewhere else … Finally, he takes it to his jeep, putting it in the refrigerator in the garage of his home …

      Unable to believe what happened, Dr Reed calls his friend Gary, so he could observe the body. He also concludes that it is an alien …

      …Even after two days in the refrigerator, it regains its vitality and movement…

      , establishing a relationship based on Dr Reed’s screams, sounds and gestures …

      Since then, thanks to a series of requests for help and guidance to organizations dedicated to the study of UFOs in Seattle, there began a persecution against Reed to erase his identity and to intimidate his friends, even to kill some of them. Nine days later, Dr Reed sees literally his house being emptied, resulting in the loss of much of the evidence gathered …

      Thus, begins a life of persecution on Dr. Jonathan Reed and personal attacks on his friends, which persists in varying degrees … Following the publication of a book recounting his encounter with this being, begins a series of personal appearances, accompanied by three researchers who undertook the task of re-documenting his life before the incident to support this experience … An experience that is now deeply analyzed by Jaime Maussan and his team of researchers, rescuing from oblivion a story that seems fiction, but it has enough evidence to prove its authenticity and realism.

      This video documentary has undoubtedly some of the most rare ET encounter images ever recorded. It’s a real live test of a Link Artifact Bracelet where Dr. Reed activates the bracelet and really disappears. He reappears moments later in apparent discomfort …”

      (See: http://www.odisealink.com/ for more information)

        (I originally came across this evidence in 2008 when researching UFOs on youtube. At that time there was a detailed video autopsy of the Alien being that was carried out by Dr Reed. This has since been removed from youtube. It was remarkable because it actually recorded the Alien being move/blink while Dr Reed was filming and talking!

      Turns out the video of Dr Reed’s autopsy of the Alien being can still be found:

      Watched from the start you will notice it blink several times….Dr Reed was obviously unaware of this at the time.

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      A Year-long Stay on an ET Base: In 1969, a French farmer was asked to spend one year living and working at a subterranean base in the Himalayas and became a human volunteer on an ET project.

      A year long stay on ET base

      A 40-year silence was imposed following his return, and in 2005, Robert L. came forward …

      • Intimate contact with ETs
      • Daily instruction in yoga, information on the Universe, galactic communication and Earth’s dilemma
      • Mission to provide genetic material for Earth-like planets
      • Spacecraft excursion and encounter with French fighter jet

        “…RL: One evening the Biologist asked me, Would you like to take part in a meeting where there would be groups of people from all over the universe, held in a special room? You’ve never been there and it would allow you to advance a little, to see how we work. I said yes, why not. And at that moment there was a dispute between the Guide and this woman, the Biologist. At first he said no flatly, and they looked at each other face to face, there was an exchange without any words. And the Biologist turned to me and said, Yes, you can participate on one condition, you’ll sit where we tell you, you won’t ask any questions, you won’t say a word, and you won’t move until the end. Not to worry, I said, you can count on me.

        It was a big oval-shaped room, there was an oval table, and about the same kind of chairs that you find in the spacecrafts. There was nobody, and then suddenly, someone appeared. And it continued, there was nobody, and suddenly someone. I don’t know how many seats there were, but there were quite a few.

        So the people, they were human beings, with yellow skin, red skin, black skin, people who looked like Chinese, people who looked like Indian tribes. And in the middle of the table, just above it, a huge ball, like a ball of light, and you could see different solar systems. At one point I thought I saw a planet where three suns were evolving, and the Biologist who was next to me, she was probably afraid that I’d move or make a scene, she said to me, You see, Roro, the Universe, it’s fantastic.

        Sometimes the people looked at each other, they didn’t speak. You could also see people in the sphere who looked like they were communicating with people in the room who were sitting in their seats. There were times when some of them spoke with a guttural voice (imitates the sound), I didn’t understand anything! And to see this big ball with the solar systems on the inside, I never saw anything like it again, it was magnificent, magnificent. It’s true that the universe you can see it’s so much more beautiful and we are so much more than we can possibly think.

        We are absolutely extraordinary beings, the human race is extaordinary…”


      “…I learned that we had been on the moon in 1969. In the 70’s I often listened to the radio or TV programs and I saw scientists who said: there is only the earth, we are a unique experience, there is no other life in the universe, it doesn’t exist. Other scientists, there was one, a commentator whose name I don’t remember, who said, “We’re certainly going to make bases on the moon, we’re going to send spaceships there, and since there’s less gravity there, we’re going to launch from there” etc. etc…

      …The Guide told me: “You are conquerors, you are warriors. The leaders of your planet, civil or military, they are conquerors, they are go-getters, they are mentally ill. (He used this term mentally ill”.) “You need to understand, as long as you go round in circles on your planet, we’re going to let you go round. But when it comes to going elsewhere, we’ll prevent you.” He looked at me and I guarantee he was serious. It seemed like it posed a problem for him. “We’ll prevent you!” And so it didn’t surprise me, when the Americans and the Russians wanted to construct bases on the moon I knew very well that they wouldn’t. And time proved I was right. We never went there again…”

      – See more at: http://www.colinandrews.net/UFOs-FrenchFarmer-TakenByAgreement2.html#sthash.HQd8u2on.dpuf

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      Russian PM Not Joking: Extraterrestrials Live Among Us According to MIB Documentary

      “…On Friday, December 7, 2012 the current Russian Prime Minister and former President, Dmitry Medvedev, made some startling off-air comments to reporters while his microphone was still switched on.

      When asked whether the President is given any secret files on extraterrestrials while in office,

      Medvedev not only commented that extraterrestrials are visiting the Earth, but that some are actually living among us

      . He went even further to say that the Russian documentary, “Secrets about Men in Black” (see below to watch), could give one more details about this issue.

      This report had previously been translated as a joke coming from the Prime Minister, as it’d been presumed he was referring to the Hollywood comedy franchise, ‘Men In Black,’ with Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones…”


      Men In Black Russian Documentary


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      Some great collected, researched and up to date evidence which shows conclusively that the UFOs & ETs phenomena are Real.

      UFO Myth #1: “UFOs Do Not Exist”

        “…The number one argument against the existence of UFOs is “there isn’t enough evidence”. This section of the article will provide evidence for the existence of UFOs to debunk this claim.

        First, let’s start off with some verified UFO quotes from credible, high ranking sources.

        Please keep in mind that hundreds of similar testimonies are available in the public domain. This article only provides a minuscule amount of evidence to show others that there is something to the UFO phenomenon, and hopefully inspires others to further their own research if interested…”


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      UFO Pictures RELEASED by NASA – Taken by American Astronauts

      “…Dr. Franklin Roach, said that based on his careful analysis of the photos and video footage provided to him by the astronauts, he concluded and later published in the book Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects that while in orbit the crew did iun fact witness a visual sightings of what later came to be known as UFOS, after his publication

      NASA attempted to explain the sightings as mere debri, this explanation was later dismissed by experts in various fields of science.

      Additional video evidence was later obtained from the crew of mission STS-48 of the Space Shuttle Discovery, the full crew report indicated that while in orbit on September 15, 1991 a flash of light and several objects were witnessed flying in an artificial and controlled fashion around the shuttle. NASA explained the objects as ice particles reacting to engine jets. James Oberg claimed that the flash was from a thruster firing. Philip C. Plait discussed the issue in his book Bad Astronomy, agreeing with NASA. Dr. Jack Kasher analyzed the movement of the objects in 1996, and found five arguments that the footage could not depict ice particles.

      However, Lan Fleming uncovered severe discrepancies in the video time stamps of the video first released by the NASA FOIA office in 1999, leavingmany of their conclusions inconclusive and undetermined.

      While in orbit mission STS-75 of Space Shuttle Columbia Astronauts witnessed hundreds of objects flying around the shuttle

      and began to captured the event on a camera capable of seeing past the visible light spectrum, this incident was archived by NASA as Undetermined and Classified, the complete documents, footage and video evidence was never released by NASA for further study.

      Another similar video was taken during mission STS-80 of Space Shuttle Columbia which were analyzed by Mark J. Carlotto which show three different unusual phenomena on December 2, 1996: Two slow moving circular objects; a strange rapidly moving burst of light near the earth’s surface; and a number of fast moving objects in space near the shuttle. The first two can not be accurately verified as shuttle debri. The fast moving objects in space near the shuttle appear as bright streaks, and analysis of their speeds and directions indicates that they can not be shuttle debri nor meteors. This incident with all it’s material was classified and archived by NASA as Unidentified Flying Objects…”

      Why NASA cancelled the space shuttle program and refuses to release updated technology…Plus ET photos…

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      “The Alien Agenda”

      “…Eve Lorgen is a dedicated counselling professional for experiencers of anomalous trauma and one of the world’s leading researchers on UFO/alien abductions. She holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Biochemistry, Masters in Counselling Psychology, Certified Hypnotherapist and has studied Shamanism, Tibetan Buddhism and other esoteric teachings.

      Eve is also author and publisher of The Love Bite: Alien Interference of Human Love Relationships and The Dark Side of Cupid: Love Affairs, the Supernatural and Energy Vampirism.

      This paradigm breaking show jumps straight into alien abduction and alien engineering of human love relationships and manipulation of abductees’ lives. We have an in-depth discussion of the remarkable research done by Barbara Bartholic, Dr Karla ‘Kandy’ Turner and Eve’s own case studies.

      The second half of the show focuses on the ground breaking research of Dr Corrado Malanga Professor of Organic Chemistry at Pisa University who has also studied 100’s of people involved in alien abductions. We discuss the hierarchy of alien beings and his six level classification system for alien interference:

      Level 1 Surgical operations of abductees
      Level 2 Alien memory implants into the brain of abductees
      Level 3 Cloning or more accurately copying of the abductee
      Level 4 Attempts to moving the ‘consciousness’ of the abductee into an alien body
      Level 5 Interdimensional incorporeal beings, ‘lux’ beings that control the other aliens
      Level 6 Primordial man

      This episode of SWR is very special as it provides an important layer of scientific credibility to the alien agenda; it’s a show where science meets experience. Make sure you listen to Eve articulate Dr Malanga’s research and how closely this matches George’s (George Kavassilas) personal abduction experiences…”

      Eve Lorgen’s website is http://evelorgen.com/wp/

      Dr Karla Turner’s can be found at http://www.jeffpolachek.com/www-karlaturner-org

      George Kavassilas: website

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      Former NASA Astronaut Edgar Mitchell testimony on the UFO cover up and disinformation campaign

      Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon, testifies to extraterrestrial visitation and military cover up.

      “…Disinformation is the Best Way to Hide Something…”

      Get more information at http://www.SiriusDisclosure.com,

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        NASA Faked Moon Landings..

        “…This is the unedited raw footage of Stanley Kubrick apparently admitting that the NASA moon landings were faked. He says “the moon landings ALL were faked , and I was the person who filmed it.”

        …Filmmaker T. Patrick Murray interviewed Kubrick three days before his death in March 1999. He was forced to sign an 88-page NDA to keep the contents of the interview a secret for 15 years. This is part of that interview…”

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      The Biggest Military Computer Hack of All Time: What Was Found?

      Gary Mckinnon. In 2001 a self-taught computer hacker accessed the US government Pentagon computer network

      looking for information on “Free Energy” and “UFOs” and stumbled across detailed documents showing the US is involved in clandestine activities with ETs already here on our planet.

      You’d think there would be official formal investigations into this discovery to get to the truth. But NO! The emphasis focused on prosecuting Gary Mckinnon over the next 10 years and getting him extradited to the US to stand trail? (Which eventually failed)

      This incident says a lot about how the general public (as well as official institutions) are typically managed and controlled – just like sheep – to conform to maintaining and living in the illusion that we are all alone in the universe. The big question is WHY?

      What is it that those who control this illusion don’t want us to find out?

      “…So what did Gary find? He found a list of non-terrestrial off world officers that had a rank. He was unable to tell if they represent the Air Force, Navy, or Army. He also found multiple pictures of UFOs and lists of fleet to fleet transfers of materials from ship to ship…”

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      Giant Rock: The Greatest UFO Story Never Told

      “…George Van Tassel was the founder of the modern UFO movement, and his legacy is significant, yet it is incomplete. Van Tassel died suddenly of a heart attack on February 9, 1978, just weeks before the scheduled completion of the Integratron, a project that was the culmination of his research and his interaction with off planet people.

      The tragedy of George Van Tassel’s unfinished work is compounded by the fact that so many other men and women of genius and vision –

      Nicola Tesla, Royal Rife, Ruth Drown, Max Gerson, Viktor Schauberger, William Koch, Eugene Mallove, Stanley Meyer and Phil Schneider, to name just a few – have worked to revolutionize virtually every field of human endeavor, only to be suppressed and discredited by large, powerful business concerns that stand to lose profit from real progress.

      The cartel that supplies the world with energy chains us all to an inefficient, polluting resource that is difficult and dangerous to extract. Pharmaceutical interests consign citizens of developed countries to symptom management through prescription drugs, rather than holistically addressing our root health issues.

      The financial services cartel that demonstrably controls the majority of the planet’s wealth loans paper to our governments and asks for the sweat and assets of We The People in return.

      Every major industry is fundamentally controlled by a few wealthy corporations, and every major industry has examples of common people with uncommon alternative ideas that are actively squashed…”

      Original air-date: June 18, 1964. This recording is from the KVOS Channel 12 Films, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, Western Washington University, Bellingham WA 98225-9123. See more details and contact information

      About Giant Rock The Movie

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      Probably the Best Compilation of UFOs and Aliens I’ve Ever Seen…!

      “…Sightings of UFOs in the sky and alien beings below the surface are increasing in both number and clarity. With odd “streaks” of brilliant light appearing throughout the world and mysterious comments made by NASA regarding an unidentified object beneath the space shuttle – is it possible that official disclosure is not far behind?

      Footage includes several

      “multi-angle” UFO sighting events in the UK and Russia, strange creatures caught on a security camera in Yosemite National Park,

      …and glowing UFO orbs seen in Spain on December 21st, 2012.

      This is not a slick production; it is not driven by a plot or by narration; yet still, this random collection of recent encounters with strange aircraft and strange “humanoids” dispassionately presents a convincing body of evidence of a possible “alien” presence, found in the eerie darkness of the woods at night, as well as in the shadowy depths of underground tunnels – and it suggests what might be a “common form” amongst the alien, ultra dimensional, or perhaps even demonic “visitors”: their spindly bodies and glowing eyes…”

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      E.T. UFO Worldwide Disclosure Movement – Steven Greer MD MUFON 2013

      Steven M. Greer, MD is Founder of The Disclosure Project, The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and The Orion Project and Sirius Technology Advanced Research.

      Father of the Disclosure movement, he presided over the groundbreaking National Press Club Disclosure Event in May, 2001. Over 20 military, government, intelligence and corporate witnesses presented compelling testimony regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life forms visiting the planet, and the reverse engineering of the energy and propulsion systems of these craft.


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      “…Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET…”

      This reads like an excellent background book to the whole UFO/ET phenomena. One that sets out detailed known government involvement and one that moves on from the basic elementary nonsensical position of: Do they or Don’t they Exist?

      “…Galactic Diplomacy is a new book that introduces first hand witness and whistleblower testimonies revealing that the USA, Britain, Russia and other major national governments have been secretly conducting, or known about, diplomatic relations with different extraterrestrial civilizations since at least 1952.

      These testimonies reveal that ‘galactic diplomacy’ (aka ‘exodiplomacy’) with extraterrestrial visitors began with discussions over the development of thermonuclear weapons, the first of which was detonated by the Truman administration in November, 1952.

      Diplomatic discussions then expanded to include issues such as technology development, alien bases, extraterrestrials living on Earth, human rights, and use of earth resources. In frustration over lack of government transparency with their citizens, some extraterrestrials began contacting private citizens to inform them of the true nature of alien activities on Earth, and diplomatic relations with governments…”


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      Advice from ETs by Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense of Canada

      Extracted from the “Citizens Disclosure Conference April/May 2013″…

      “…”Yes its true we have been in contact with your government.

      It is also true that agreements have been made and kept secret from your people.

      We contacted your leaders because your planet is in great trouble. Your leaders said the vast majority of the people was not ready for anything like us yet…”

      The “advice from ETs” testimony explains in simple terms what the past, present and current situation is with regard to our Government’s relationship to ourselves and ETs.


      First and foremost it is no secret ETs exist. The BIG secret is why are our Governments still refusing to listen to their advice?. Even after 50 years of contact?

      We could all be experiencing “heaven” here on Earth if we did???

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      Former Senator & Presidential Candidate: “An Extraterrestrial Influence Is Investigating Our Planet”

      “…The UFO “issue” is a complex one that branches into different areas like science, history, politics, consciousness and many more . It is without a doubt one of the most important topics the human civilization has come across, ever.

      No doubt that human beings have been programmed with fear when it comes to this topic, and there is a good possibility that that has been done purposely.

      It’s time to let go of that, there is a whole galactic community out there teeming with life…”

      I would have to basically agree with that….

      Former Senator & Presidential Candidate: “An Extraterrestrial Influence Is Investigating Our Planet”

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      Maya is a Dancer and singer, and has a fascination with Orbs

      Fascinating talk and presentation by UK artist on spiritual orbs some of which can be thought of ET light beings. Maya is Dancer and singer, and has a fascination with Orbs.

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      “…UFO ABDUCTION – Italian Woman Impregnated by Aliens 100% Real Footage…”

      “…The woman from Italy claims to have been impregnated by aliens several times. Apparently the creatures removed the other fetuses at around 2 months.

      Giovanna claims that the creatures speak to her telepathically and that they have told her they want to create a hybrid race that is genetically close to their species. Because we are supposedly biologically compatible with their race, we have been chosen. Or more specifically, Giovanna has been chosen to propagate their race by means of a new hybrid species.

      Alien aborted hybrid

      Giovanna relates that the aliens visited her often when she was a young girl. At that time the aliens would use her for research, collecting biological material (tissue and blood). Their nocturnal visits left marks on her body, along with a phosphorescence material that Giovanna says is something they use as a disinfectant to prevent her from getting infections from them and to prevent them from getting infections from her…”

      I’ve come to the conclusion that many of the ET abductions that take, and have taken place, appear to be attempts to prevent future generations of “white people” from dying out.

      The beings doing the abductions are always trying to preserve what they perceive to be their race by creating “alien/human hybrids”. However, I have not come across a single case of this happening to African/Black people? So why is that?


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      “…Aztec 1948 UFO Crash – Secret Recovery of Alien Technology…”

      On March 25, 1948 a UFO spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin crashed in a place called Aztec, New Mexico. Sixteen alien bodies were discovered dead inside. The alien bodies and all evidence of their spacecraft were soon transported by government officials to Wright Patterson Air force Base where all traces of this event disappeared in secrecy.

      This program documents the shocking facts around this disturbing mystery and includes interviews with leading UFO researchers, a walking tour of the crash site, a tour of the secret US radar station that tracked the UFO crash and the story of an intensive government investigation into alien biology and space technology.

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      Former CIA & Lockheed Skunkworks Engineer Says USA Got Technology From Extraterrestrials..

      Well I never…and I always believed that white people were just so wonderfully intelligent that they just invented all this technology stuff… turns out they had a little help from ET!

      “…He testifies that we not only have these extraterrestrial devices, but have also achieved tremendous technological advances from their study. He states that in the 1950’s and 1960’s, NATO did research into the origin of ET races, and disseminated reports to the leaders of various countries. He lists a few of the technologies we were able to develop because of ETs: computer chips, lasers, night vision, and bulletproof vests…”


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      A very respected ex-defense Minister for Canada speaks out on New Years Eve 2013…

      “…He was Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country’s armed forces during the time of the Cold War – and when he retired he publicly stated that we are not alone in the universe, and some guests from outer space actually live here, on planet Earth. Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Today we ask the man who says UFOs are a serious business – Paul Hellyer. …”

      Full RT News Link Here…

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      “Tall Whites” – an alien/extraterrestrial group of beings is driving U.S. domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945…

      US ET Nazi link connection

      Following on closely since the above reporting by the former Canadian defense minister came this report from an Iranian news agency FARS:

      This may be a new and interesting development because we now have: Russia, Iran and the US NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden saying and alleging the same thing. Its called a semi-official exposure which has, for some reason, unsurprisingly, not been picked up by the mainstream media…Though it did appear in the Washington Post…

      “…The U.S. government is being controlled by a secret regime of aliens called “Tall Whites,” who were also instrumental in the rise of Nazi Germany, Iran’s semi-official news agency Fars reported on Sunday.

      Citing a report based on documents leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden (and filed under the “Space” section of the website), Fars said the Russian Federal Security Services (FSB) has recently been “stunned” by these revelations, proving “an alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda is driving U.S. domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945…”


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        Interacting with the Tall Whites

        “…The Tall Whites must be excellent warriors and strategists. Their lives are centered around their children. They heavily protect them. Injuring one would be a deadly mistake. Their culture seems almost military like. Great importance and respect is given to social positions and hierarchies (them being kind to the Generals but snobby to plain soldiers). Additionally, many Tall Whites appear to be very proud; therefore they don’t hesitate to kill.

        Hall: “Then the guard said forcefully, “You know that if anything goes wrong with this plan, we can kill you any time we want to.” Standing my ground, still shaking in fear, I replied, “Yes, but I haven’t given you any reason to kill me…” The guard smiled and replied, “You are quite right. We could have killed you in your shack the other night if we had wanted to.”

        All this leads me to think interacting with a Tall White requires an overdose of attention. The wrong words or sudden actions may easily offend a Tall White. It is now very clear why Hall remained calm and maintained distances when they were around. Hall himself could anytime be subjected to harsh treatment if he inadvertently harmed, scared or disrupted the Tall Whites. Eventually, he was shot by a Tall White female named Pamela. On that occasion, no other Tall White helped Charles Hall (Captain even told him he was going to die!), even though he was the Pet…

        “Hall describes the Tall Whites as quite intimidating in terms of behavior and how they regularly stalked military servicemen on duty at the remote desert location where Hall served. The Tall Whites regularly caused powerful emotions of fear and even terror among the military servicemen who didn’t understand these Extraterrestrials or weren’t ready to interact with them in a friendly way. Yet the Tall Whites were also capable of exhibiting friendship qualities and of being teachers, as in the case of Hall.”

        A dual behaviour for sure: aggressive and friendly… It’s quite clear how controlling these Tall White are. Not to forget the condescending attitude they have for those humans who have done them a service. Judging from the above quote, Hall gained the trust of some Tall Whites by showing them he was not interfering with their plans. He let them control him. Yet, they fear our mental ability to multi-task…”

        The Tall Whites

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      An interview of Navy Captain Mark Richards – an officer involved in the Dulce Battle as well as very active in the Secret Space Program and U.S. Space Command for many years

      “…This is an interview with Captain Mark Richards conducted at Vacaville Prison on November 2, 2013. This is the first time in the over 30 years of his incarceration, that any journalist has interviewed him. I was not allowed to document this face-to-face interview with camera or any recording devices or to take notes during the interview. Everything you are about to see has been recalled from memory immediately after my meeting with him. Just prior to the interview I spoke briefly with his wife Jo Ann who also was present during the interview.

      Navy Captain Mark Richards was an officer involved in the Dulce Battle as well as very active in the Secret Space Program and U.S. Space Command for many years prior to his being arrested and convicted of a murder he did not commit. This is a classic case of the government framing someone who they feel may be turning against them from within the military.

      See Also Comment: “…1979 BATTLE AT DULCE New Mexico TO FREE ET SEX SLAVES…”

      “…When the truth was evident that sub-humans and other creatures were being produced from abducted human females, impregnated against their will, a secret resistance group formed within the military and intelligence agencies of the U.S. Government that did not approve of the deals that had been made with the ‘Off-worlders’. Many of these brave humans would be assassinated, or “died under mysterious circumstance,” or would be silenced in other ways…”

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      Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike’s great-granddaughter, talks about the US covert secret ET contact since the 1930’s

      The following is a detailed historical audio account of the ongoing contact factions, within the US government, have had with various ET groups and beings.

      Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike's great-granddaughter,

      It dates back from the 1930’s (the time of the Nazis in Germany) and covers the period that US President Eisenhower was in power (up to the 1950’s). Even in this short time-period of history covered its clear so much has been covertly taking place behind the scenes. To deny the existence of these ET beings would be like denying the existence Black Swans (which do exist) because most people never encounter or see them. But they are really quite common and numerous if you know where to look…

      What she catalogues is a history not recorded in our official text books. A history that is more than co-incidentally referenced in our Science Fiction Films and TV Series throughout this period and beyond. Its outrageous and morally indefensible the actions that governments like the US have sanctioned over this time period. Not just the US…A world wide conspiracy exists between mainly Western governments (including Russia) to suppress this information.

      (Listen to a detailed analysis of why world wide governments have refused to knowingly talk about the ET question)

      There have been treaties signed and broken; technological exchanges which granted permissions for the world wide abduction and experimentation of people taken off world by ET beings; and mass mind control, brain washing techniques unleashed on an unsuspecting public. Some of which still continue today…

      Listen to the audio here: Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike’s great-granddaughter, speaks out…

      But there have also been genuine and positively orientated contacts designed to uplift the spiritual maturity of humans on the planet which were refused because they did not come with offers of technology…???

      All this speaks to the backward spiritually immature nature of the Western (white) governments (Italy, Germany, UK and USA) who have arrogantly entrusted themselves to speak and negotiate agreements on behalf of the rest of the human populations on this planet.

      But its worst than this because what has been set in motion is an intricate web of human/ET relationships heavily involved in all aspects of human social, economic and political affairs with an overall strategy of domination, subjugation and control. With those human/ET factions (positively aligned) in the know now battling for control with those government human/ET factions still negatively aligned over the resources (that means us!) of this planet. Even off planetary resources beyond Earth…like those of Mars…

      Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike’s great-granddaughter, outs secret Mars colony project

      (See the full video interview here:
      (http://youtu.be/OdfIuTm2VuM) )

      (Read the full transcript of the audio talk here:

      (See Also: Bill Cooper on ETs and Government treaties here…)

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      “…ExoNews TV: Super Soldiers & Operation Moon Shadow…”

      What follows is an extraordinary verbal account of life on a Mars colony that has been in existence since the early 1970’s. Its detailed in its descriptions and confirms much of what disparate accounts and stories

      I’ve heard from other people’s testimonies that such Mars colonies exist and have been established from the era of the 1960’s US Apollo moon landings.

      It also confirms for me one of the enduring mysteries I could never really work out. Why it was the expected era of moon bases and exploration of space never really took off as it was predicted all through the 1970’s. NASA simply cancelled all further Apollo flights to the moon. This was always something I thought had never really been fully explained by NASA. On listening to testimonial accounts like this I now fully understand and appreciate why.

      They were simply carried out covertly and clandestinely behind an unsuspecting public. NASA of course being the cover front for the supposed, but false, extent of known space technology.

      Mars Colony Testimonial

      “…The ExoNews TV episode released today is the first in a five part series about the explosive testimony of Captain K an anonymous whistleblower, who claims he served as a member of an elite Marine Corps unit that provides personnel for a secret military bases on the Moon, Mars and other parts of the solar system. He describes a break away human civilization that operates in outer space…

      …we learn about Captain Kaye’s background where he began having strange experiences with extraterrestrials as far back in his childhood as he could recall. He believes that external intervention in his life, whether by aliens or U.S. military, went as far back as the time of his conception where his DNA was altered. At five years of age, Captain Kaye was recruited into a covert US Marine Corps training program for super soldiers called Operation Moon Shadow. 300 children, both males and females, were involved in Operation Moon Shadow. Training took place at Marine Corps facilities. He was trained to develop his strength, agility and strategic thinking that would be needed later in his military service for off world missions. He recalled that at age 13, training shifted to include live weapons and working with adult special forces personnel who were both puzzled and impressed by the adolescents they were training with…”

      This is the full audio of Part 2 of Captain K’s testimony where he claims that he served for 17 years of a 20 year tour of duty at a secret military base on Mars protecting five human colonies run by the Mars Colony Corporation.

      To watch the ExoNews TV segment about Part 2 of his testimony, go to: http://youtu.be/ZJ6OpdyNHIQ

      For Part 1, Super Soldiers & Operation Moon Shadow go to: http://youtu.be/iJVWc9cZBVs
      To listen to the full audio of Part 1, go to: http://youtu.be/9vj4N2RHYc0

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        Secret Space Program as part of the EARTH DEFENSE FORCE based on Mars and the Moon

        This is another interview carried out by Project Camelot with the same person (Captain Kaye) Its quite informative to be able to contrast the two viideos and information given. It provides a much clearer insight into Captain Kaye aka Randy Cramer about his detailed and 17 years experiences on Mars.

        I must admit having listened to both interviews to be really amazed at some of the experiences and knowledge that has been held back from the general Earth population since the 60’s. Speculation about the possibility of Life on Mars has been written and sung about in popular culture for hundreds of years and here is REAL evidence and living proof that it has already occurred!

        Right now there are other Earth nations like India and China successfully launching probes to Mars. And there is a dedicated recruitment drive to attract one million people to leave the Earth to live on Mars over the next 10 years.

        But the truth is there are already Human, along with ET (Reptoids and Insectoids) colonies on Mars. Not to mention Draconian Reptoids (An aggressively, invasive, dominating and controlling species from the star system Alpha Draconis) who were initially on Mars for 8 years and considered to be similar to the indigenous Reptoids. Because, apparently, the occupying human colonists believed they all (Reptilians) looked the same! Where have I heard that before!

        Captain Kaye speaks about the need for Humans to progress from “barbarism” to “civilisation”. A situation which would involve a sharing and equal distribution of resources, knowledge and information. Something the current controllers of the EDF and Mars colonies seem reluctant to advance in the direction of.

        What a waste and a shame of Human potential. Which, of course, has similar echoes down on Earth too…. 🙁

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          US Marine Mars Officer: Breakaway civilization to repopulate Earth surface dwellers with Mars DNA-pool colonists

          “…Unless the green, advanced technologies now sequestered by the Breakaway civilization are released for Earth’s public good, Capt. Cramer says the Breakaway civilization intends to eliminate Earth’s current surface-dwelling humans and replace them with humans that are now part of a secret Mars colony selected for its preferred gene pool and elite status. As Capt. Cramer states on his website,..“

          Article website link here:

          Capt. Cramer’s website link here:

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            Andrew Basiago – 2014 International UFO Congress

            This is a deeply compelling video presentation given by Andrew Basiago speaking from direct personal experience about his co-opted life from 17 years old into the secret convert US Government Mars colonisation space program.

            Its an amazing personal account backed up by detailed references of peoples (including US President Barack Obama), places, times and links which can all be checked to verify his story.

            Andrew Basiago is someone I have come across before (he can be found on FB here) and has over many years supplied and given much information about the “Project Peagus” he was formally recruited to work on. As his website readily states:

            “…Andy served in Project Pegasus at the dawn of the Time-Space Age and was one of humanity’s early Mars explorers.

            He is a prominent figure in the Truth Movement leading a campaign to lobby the US government to disclose such truths as the fact that the US has achieved “quantum access” to past and future events and has used time travel to place a secret US presence on Mars.

            Andy has been identified as the first of two “planetary-level whistle blowers” predicted by the Web Bot, which analyzes the content of the World Wide Web to discern global trends.

            His Truth Campaign about time travel and life on Mars is based on direct, personal experience serving on two US defense projects.

            In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, Andy was a child participant in Project Pegasus, which was the US time-space exploration program at the time of the emergence of time travel in the US defense-technical community.

            He was called back into government service in the early 1980’s, when he made numerous visits to Mars after being tapped to join the CIA’s Mars “jump room” program…”

            I must admit some of the information provided in this video is fascinating. Particularly when it is contrasted with other independent information sources about the US covert secret Mars program (see Captain Kaye/Cramer here and Navy Captain Mark Richards). It becomes plain to see that the US has been acting as an imperialist and colonialist in space during the same time period it has been doing this on Earth! But with even far more devastating consequences. it is said that over a five year period of 97,000 people who have been sent to Mars only 7,000 remain alive due to death by surface dinosaur like predators!…Its ironic that the real “War of the Worlds” is actually taking place on Mars not Earth!

            Project pegasus/andrew_d_basiago

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          SEE ALSO…


          “…First, there’s a secret space program that has humans on Mars. The Martian astronauts can walk around in some kind of minimal environmental suit, rather than the more bulky space suits worn by astronauts. This suggests that there is a thin Martian atmosphere and walking around in it requires similar equipment to walking around at high altitudes, as John Lear described.

          Second, the Mars based astronauts perform various functions on NASA equipment to maintain or extend the service life of Mars landers and rovers. This helps explain the very long and surprising service life of Mars rovers such as Spirit and Opportunity that ‘fortuitously’ have had surface dust removed from their solar panels by the Mars wind, thereby extending their service life for years.

          Third, there was no malfunction with the video telemetry equipment because when Jackie and her co-workers ran upstairs to the main telemetry room they could see through a small window on the door that the main video monitors were showing the same thing.

          Fourth, the secret space program’s existence is highly classified. Jackie and her co-workers clearly did not have the security classification to know about the Mars program, and so they were locked out of the main telemetry room. As Jackie said, normally the door was unlocked, so the incident involved classified information and only those with the necessary clearance were allowed access.

          Fifth, Jackie was seeking information about the incident from John Lear, suggesting that she and her other colleagues were told to simply forget about the incident, and concentrate on their job assignments. For NASA employees the risk of losing their jobs and security clearances for violating security, was powerful incentive to stay quiet for years. For Jackie, it took 27 years to publicly come forward.

          Finally, there was at least one person or more in the main telemetry room that had sufficient clearance and “need to know” whose responsibility was to ensure that personnel without clearance would be locked out. It was this individual(s) that arranged for the main telemetry room to be locked, and the small window to be papered over…”

          THE DAY NASA COVERED UP MEN ON MARS! – Audio Evidence

          (See this article for more information)

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      1st annual UFO 2014 conference for melaninated people

      Bro. Polight speaks on the power of melanin at the 1st annual UFO conference for melaninated people

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      The USSR Alien (ET) Races Book…

      This is indeed a strange find. With many short descriptions and pictures of Alien beings. The short chapters in the book explain how it came about (see pdf link here) and covers, expands on and compliments much information already encountered in this blog post.

      The USSR Alien Races Book

      But it does much more than this as well. It paints a picture of multiple ET involvement in the affairs of this planet. With many different and varied species. Some of which may be familiar but so many of which (even I have to confess) we know nothing about.

      From it emerges a secret and covert relationship with Alien beings (ETs) which Governments and mainly Western countries have always known about. The same conflicts of ownership, territory and colonial/imperial conquests/disputes seem to plague so many of these ET beings as well! Many battles have taken place and recorded in the skies depicted in ancient texts that have long since been captured and destroyed by religious authorities like the Catholic church.

      The book has been kept up to date by regular added notes from time to time and seems to acknowledge the current time frame (2013-2022) when some form of public disclosure of this ET presence will have been forced out on to the world.

      It should probably not be underestimated that if these various ETs or Alien races did not exist (positive as well as negative) this planet most likely would have been eliminated or re-colonized by others for their own interests or gains. I have often wondered about the different social interactions between other ET races and beings. This book, though brief, does touch slightly on this unknown complexity but more likely denied area of official study.

      We never were alone!

      We owe a great deal to the more benevolent ETs and Aliens who are selflessly protecting and guarding us. Perhaps one day we will be granted the privilege of exploring this interaction for ourselves. After all we cannot stay in the kindergarten of ET relationships for much longer with so many Alien species knocking on the front and back door to be let in!

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      Space Agency Attempted to Steal Evidence of Extraterrestrial Life, claims Sri Lankan Politician

      Sample of Anuradhapura meteoritesSri Lankan Politician

      A politician in Sri Lanka says a team of “white gentlemen” from an international space agency tried to steal meteor fragments that prove alien life exists in order to hide from the world that “creationism is a blatant lie.”

      According to the Sri Lanka’s Daily Mirror newspaper, Minister Wimal Weerawansa, the leader Sri Lanka’s Jathika Nidahas Peramuna political party, told a crowd at a temple that the attempted theft was part of western creationists’ attempt to undermine Buddhist teachings of the universe.

      He says, ” This team attempted to take hold of this valuable evidence almost immediately after local scientists had made this vital discovery.”

      Read more…

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      Its worth mentioning this officially denied secret US government battle with ETs that took place over 45 years ago. By all accounts what the official government troops who went in found was horrendous. I have heard of bits of accounts of this planned raid from many different sources before but none as detailed as in the following report…

      Dulce ET base

      1947 TREATY SIGNED BY PRESIDENT HARRY TRUMAN: Government scientists (the secret government) purportedly labored alongside an alien force to work out the sundry ways the general population could be brought under an ultimate totalitarian control that would leave humanity as little more than farm animals to be used for breeding. All of which began with a 1947 treaty signed by President Harry Truman, that set in motion a plan where THE ELITE OBTAINED ALIEN TECHNOLOGICAL SECRETS IN EXCHANGE FOR PERMITTING THE ALIENS TO ABDUCT HUMAN SUBJECTS FOR THEIR DIABOLICAL RESEARCH.

      In time, the elite would be allowed to survive to become the overlords of the human sheep, under ultimate control of the aliens – like the dogs that watch the sheep on a human farm. DULCE Located almost two miles beneath Archuleta Mesa on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation near Dulce, New Mexico was an installation classified so secret, its existence would be one of the most protected realities in the world. There was the Earth’s first main joint United States Government/Alien biogenetics laboratory. Others existed in Colorado , Nevada , and Arizona , not to mention in a number of other locations like Afghanistan and Russia – but Dulce (is)/was the largest. In an era when the officers in charge of the major military units were still part of the generation that looked on young women – potential mothers – as a treasure to be protected, to learn that THOUSANDS OF YOUNG FEMALES WERE BEING ABDUCTED, AND EVEN CREATED (CLONED, ETC.) FOR USE AS SEX SLAVES BY ALIENS was simply too much for such men to allow to continue.

      – See more at Extraterrestrialcontact.com

      An interview of Navy Captain Mark Richards – an officer involved in the Dulce Battle – See more at: http://wordpress.kwamla.com/?p=156#comment-722

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      Bill Cooper and Aliens

      “…Bill Cooper was one of the first to begin exposing the secret government for what it truly is, government conspiracy!
      Secret Society illuminati – The Secret Government lecture in which he explains Aliens (their presence among us, our collaborations with them, the Alien Treaties), Secret Governments, the Trilateral Commission and an insight into Secret Government plans to leave the Earth.

      Aliens illuminati Conspiracy
      The initiated elect communicate directly to gods (ALIENS) who communicate back to them… The elect are given knowledge of the Mysteries and are illumined and are thus known as The Illuminati or the Illuminated Ones, the guardians of the Secrets of the Ages. This elite group controls government…”

      Bill Cooper was killed by authorities on 11/5/2001. ~ Author of “Behold a Pale Horse

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      The Human Mutilation Cover Up!

      This is an area of related topic I’ve not really covered before: Human Mutilations. Its an area that has been highly suppressed by Government authorities (US and UK) who regularly cover up and deny such practices take place. We all know about the familiar phenomenon of UFO and ET HUman abductions, and possible animal or cattle mutilations. But how many know about the Human mutilations?

      As this video shows, testifies and explains in detail. These are not rare and random events but a lot more common. The photographic evidence alone speaks to surgical knowledge and procedures far in advance of anything typically seen in western medical science. This alone would point to the existence of malevolent advanced beings with a desire to harvest human organs and body parts with little regard for human owners!

      “…In 2014 Richplanet TV screened the film “UFO’s & NATO – The Human Mutilation Cover Up”, which looked at claims of human beings suffering surgical mutilation in connection with UFO activity. They described the detailed disclosures of a former military man who worked on “find and secure” missions in the 1990’s.

      The missions involved securing areas on the ground that had been affected after military engagement with UFO’s. He witnessed over 30 mutilated human beings, all of which had similar surgical injuries to those found in animal mutilation cases. Richard met with the military source and gathered further information.

      Since these meetings he has been searching for evidence to corroborate the claims. In today’s show he give a re-cap on the 2014 film and also reveal what part of the military it seems was supplying personnel to special forces for the secret “find and secure” teams…”

      Web Site for more details…

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      It seems there is more than just one secret space program. There could be up to Five! At least this is the information coming from a new whistleblower “GoodETxSG”. Previously much of the information I’ve obtained and seen has spoken to only one secret space program but apparently there could be even one that is over 500,000 years old!

      Secret Space Program

      Among Corey’s core claims is that the oldest of up to five rival secret space programs to emerge in the modern era, “Solar Warden”, contains more dated technologies but has a greater dedication to humanity’s long term interests. Those in charge of Solar Warden have decided to leak information about the existence of secret space programs by, for example, allowing their spacecraft to be photographed by the International Space Station.

      These pro-disclosure actions along with “service-to-other” activities has made the Solar Warden program the most suitable candidate for a powerful new group of highly evolved extraterrestrials that has allegedly entered into our solar system which has significantly changed the dynamic between rival space programs, and their respective relations with visiting extraterrestrial civilizations and older ancient human space programs.

      The “Sphere Alliance,” according to Corey, directly deals only with the Solar Warden program among the five “modern” space programs; and is seeking to assist humanity in a series of conferences whereby private citizens meet secret space program representatives in a secure environment. The second of these exodiplomacy conferences occurred on April 5 according to Corey, the details of which he says he will soon announce.

      Secret Space Program more complex…

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      A galactic human slave trade exists where millions of captured humans are taken off planet to distant colonies on other worlds to be bartered or abused. ThIs is a horrific aspect of our reality which, just like Child Abuse, continues to exist in our societies simply because we refuse to talk about it.

      Human Slaves trade off world

      “…Corey explains that full disclosure of extraterrestrial visitation and different SSPs, requires humanity to be prepared for all aspects of how humanity has been historically and more recently treated by these groups. Revealing this information is not designed to frighten or sensationalize, but to allow the collective consciousness of humanity to integrate the truth of what has happened, in order for humanity to evolve to a much brighter future – what Corey describes as a Star Trek-like society. Not wanting to deal with disturbing information is a sign of not being ready for full disclosure, thereby making it possible for egregious practices to continue. This is analogous to how refusal to discuss allegations of sexual abuse in families can allow these abuses to continue for years…”

      Read more…

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      COSMIC DISCLOSURE: – A Secret Space Program insider, in a series of ongoing videos, reveals and confirms Earth’s long history and involvement with UFOs, ETs and space travel.

      Corey Goode – the most significant, in-the-know insider to have ever come forward publicly – by far is interviewed by David Wilcock in a groundbreaking tell-all videos. The first two episodes of which are now Freely and publicly available to watch.

      Cosmic Disclosure

      First Episode topic reveals:

      “…There is more going on in space than you can ever imagine. Out of sight, out of mind. That is how the greatest secrets in the history of humankind have remained hidden from the populace. Now, a 20-year insider, Corey Goode, joins David Wilcock in this inaugural presentation of Cosmic Disclosure to reveal humanity’s celestial presence and the details of an extraterrestrial message which conveys details of the coming collective ascension for humankind…”

      And in the Second…

      “…Extraordinary changes are already underway for planet and people, and an alliance of advanced civilizations have come to serve as guides for our collective transformation. To help facilitate the coming changes these beings have named a spokesperson to reveal who they are and why they have come. Corey Goode recounts when he was established as the delegate for the Sphere Being Alliance, and his first encounter with the Blue Avians who explained the nature of consciousness, life after death, and the shifting conditions for life on Earth…”

      Blue Avians

      This is Probably the first of many such revelations to come…Having watched the first two episodes and studied the topic of ETs and UFOs for many years now. It still comes as NO surprise to me just how much information is in here we really just DON’T know!

      Humanity’s Secret History in Space Revealed on Gaiam TV – See more at: http://www.gaiamtv.com/article/humanity-s-secret-history-space-revealed-gaiam-tv#sthash.0OowSgY4.zIvx9eSy.dpuf

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      Regarding the Secret Space Program…

      This is a very interesting report that challenges our false perceptions of what we think we know about the extent of current level technologies in our world. It also sheds light on immoral amounts of monies siphoned secretly and purposely devoted to developing them.

      The secret space program craft

      “… Governments around the world, and the US government in particular, are lying to people on an unprecedented, colossal scale. People are running around worrying about things like the next American Idol and soaking up the nonstop fear-porn propaganda pumped out by the MSM, but meanwhile a Cabal-controlled portion of humanity with highly advanced technology is already actively colonizing space! Richard Dolan has referred to this as the “breakaway civilization.”…”

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      This is something I’ve always been aware of having been an avid follower of these programs…When you watch from the perspective of this is REAL and not ScFi its amazing what secrets it can reveal…

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      …Past and Future History…Bashar 2009 Conference

      ET “Bashar” outlines an approximate schedule for Official Human ET Contact. Bringing official acceptance and assistance into the Galactic Family Association/Federation of ET Worlds. All of this is likely (assuming the process of awakening continues) to take place by the year 2050…

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      Nazi German Secret Societies unofficially colonised Mars during WWII in the 1940’s…


      Talk about being kept in the dark! Its crazy to think that Western colonisation and expansionist policies of the WWII Germans were never stopped or halted (as we have been led to believe) but continued unabated outside of Earth political affairs.

      Is it any wonder that all the current wars and madness we still experience perpetuated daily/globally on this planet are so difficult to put an end to?

      Read more: KNews website

      I must admit to just puzzling and wondering at such unofficially disclosed information. What off Earth have these people being doing for the last 75 years? And what are they hoping to achieve?

      From all the accounts I am gathering they are a diminishing dying breed of Aryan blonde, blue-eyed humans. (Hence the Official Earth recruitment for one-way trips to Mars!) Many of whom have been told Earth has been destroyed or heavily polluted. Making Mars their only home where they have been forced/conditioned to work out a slave like existence even rivaling their late 1940’s time on Earth!

      Roll on Official Disclosure!…Until then more information can be found here…

      Cosmic Disclosure: Remnants Of Ancient Mars


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      History of the Solar System according to the Secret Space Program…

      Over the past two years (2014-Present) detailed qualified information has emerged from an insider source who served a considerable amount of time within a top secret US military space agency.

      This source (Corey Goode) has since been verified on many different levels (by David Wilcock and Dr.Michael E. Salla among others ) as providing qualified information about what has long been suspected as a Secret Space Program run by classified Government/Corporate US military agencies. The existence of which was accidentally brought to light by the British hacker – Gary Mckinnon.

      The Secret Space Program

      This marked a dramatic shift in the amount and type of information now currently available on the internet. (though of course still not reported in the mainstream media) Which has since been regarded as some form of of “Soft-Partial Disclosure” as a prelude to future Full Disclosure.

      “…The following is a series of detailed notes from David Wilcock and Corey Goode’s talk from Friday the 19th of February 2016, History of the Secret Space Program…

      …This is the most well-rounded presentation of the Secret Space Program and history of the solar system that either of them has ever produced. It is an excellent place to start learning about what has apparently been happening under the cover of secrecy for eons…”

      Full Disclosure the Only… Option?

      “…As some know, there has been a debate between various alliances negotiating for the freedom of the planet. Some of these groups want full disclosure and a complete release of advanced technology to all people at the same time, whereas others want a limited or partial disclosure, drawn out over 100 years.

      David and Corey produced the following presentation in an effort to ‘blow the lid off’ of the partial disclosure agenda. The data presented below is in harmony with a full disclosure effort, which if it is shared virally, could make the partial disclosure agenda impossible to realize. David and Corey are making every effort to ensure full disclosure takes place, encouraging a grassroots effort from within the awakening community

      If you are reading these words, you are part of this grass-roots effort…”

      Click here to read this detailed and extensive presentation..

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      Mars is Inhabited by Humans and We Have a Secret Pact with Aliens, Space Activist Reveals…

      Mars is inhabited already...and we know!

      “…According to multiple sources, world leaders have already established contact with otherworldly intelligent beings and are now governing the Earth in accordance with a universal pact between many advanced races residing in the universe…”

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      “STAR PEOPLE”…ETs From a Melanated Perspective…

      We don’t normally get descriptions of encounters with ET humanoid beings shared from Black people. Why is that? Perhaps because most of us are too busy dealing with particular Terrestrial beings on this planet… 🙂

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      Nazis and Dracos Alliance

      “…The most highly classified space program currently in existence emerged out of a secret alliance between Nazi Germany and Reptilian extraterrestrials, according to whistleblower Corey Goode. In his most recent interview on Cosmic Disclosure, Goode explained the origins of the “Dark Fleet” as the secret space program established by German Secret Societies and the Nazi SS in Antarctica during the Second World War era.

      During his interview, Goode described how the Dark Fleet is currently comprised entirely of humans drawn from all over the world who have a totalitarian ideology initially inspired by Nazi ideals:

      They looked very stern, very arrogant, like they felt very elite. They wore black stormtrooper kind of clothes, just very stern like. Very totalitarian acting. And a lot of the people that ended up going into this program came from a lot of the German secret society Nazi kind of programs…”

      To say that this is abhorrent would be a moderate understatement. The FACT is this covert clandestine collaboration has been going on for the last 70 years. While most people may laugh or smirk at even the suggestion of the thought that such an alliance could be true. The FACT still remains that this same unimaginable scenario has been mockingly played out in Sci Fi drama series like “Star Trek” conditioning the minds of the general populace to associate such an idea with fantasy. Of course this fails to take into account that one of the prime hallmarks of the Nazis was exactly this type of “mind programming” technique. No doubt helped a great deal in part by this Draco Reptilian alliance.

      Is it any wonder why globally the most dominant ideology in control of this planet (racism=white supremacy) is so hard to shift and so resistant to change?

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      Accumulated evidence of UFOs/ET contacts with Western Governments over the last 100 years…

      “…There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon” – Dr. Brian O’leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor

      “Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. Trillions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have deliberately been kept in the dark.”– Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defense Minister…”

      For more information and links see The Mind Unleashed here…

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      China Releases Moon Footage of “Alien Bases”…

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      The Organic and Healing Nature of UFOs – A Melanated Black Perspective…

      The Organic and Healing Nature of UFOs - A Melanated Black Perspective...

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      We Are The Extraterrestrials!

      This is fascinating and I would highly recommend taking the time to watch these videos, as indeed I have. They will dispel any notion that ETs have only visited or interacted with white people! 🙂

      Credo Mwtua Speaks about ETs in Africa

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      Super Soldier Talk – Elena, Lindsey, Penny – Secret Space Program Roundtable…

      “…In this round table discussion, SSP whistle blowers Elena, Penny Bradley, Lindsey Hooper, and James Rink explore their experiences in the Secret Space Program, Dark Fleet, Solar Warden, the SSP alliance, ICC, and much more. Learn more about cyborgs, reaging sickness, milab abductions, life on mars and off world, and what we can do to bring about disclosure. ..”

      I must say this was a fascinating interview. 4 different people (mostly women) with direct knowledge and experience of participating in the #SecretSpacePrograms. (SSP)

      With these type of revelations its hard to just ignore or pretend they are inventing or making things up. YES!…This is possible. But when you realise that the information they are sharing directly challenges or corroborates information that is already being made available by people like #CoreyGood and #DavidWilcock. Then it stands to reason that something, most of us genuinely know nothing about, is definitely going on!

      As one person (everybodybecool) in a detailed comment after the video stated:

      “…Why is Corey saying that what Elena Kapulnik, Penny Bradley and others are saying about the SSP programs is not helping with the push for full disclosure? When they are not contradicting Corey’s info – they are adding more depth and details, telling us more about some of the terrible things that occur in these programs, so how are they affecting the push for full disclosure negatively?

      Why when Elena Kapulnik reached out to Corey, to try and have some dialogue and work with him, did he ignore this attempt from her to work with him, and why did he also leak a part of their private emails? Couldn’t have Corey got to know her and understand her? Would pushing her away help him to understand where she’s coming from and her information? Why is Corey not trying to work with these other Milab experiencers and SSP experiencers, to bring the community together?…”

      Having posted articles and videos before from Corey Good and David Wilcock for several years now. He may have a point….


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