What the inside of one of those typical Chemtrail planes looks like...!!!

Going beyond the limited and locked in construct of our 3D World Reality
Views: 1978Its been a while since I’ve felt the need or even inspiration to write a new Blog post but today I was inspired to do just that…
Its actually been nearly 2 years since my last post. Thats because I decided only to post topics I believe to be of lasting interest. Ones that need to endure and perhaps come back to for future updates. This is a practise I have carried on for many of my former posts. Using the comments sections to post many of those needed updates when I happen to stumble across them. (Many of such updates can be found in my regular daily Social Media Posts and Facebook/Twitter outputs) (See New Comment: The Matrix of Control – Beyond its 3D Manifestation)
But there is another reason for my lack of posts…I simply didn’t have anything else of major importance to say after 2012! Human ascension – to ascend or not to ascend is the ONLY game on the block to be playing at this particular time period in our evolutionary history. And no one being, thing or person (including our own planet) is exempt from playing. Electing or choosing to die doesn’t free you from this decision at all!. Because dying is built into and part of the ascension (or not to ascend) process too!
Everything is Fake: Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Our World!

So now that we are well and truly into this process as more and more strange events begin to unfold its probably a timely co-incidence that I should feel the need to make this post to help facilitate further contextual understanding of what I believe is happening to My world, Your world, and indeed, OUR world… as seen from a multidimensional and energetic perspective…
There are many world events happening in 2014 which defy rational explanation. These are just some: The disappearance/destruction of Malaysian Air planes MH307 and MH17; the rise and growth of apparent Islamic fundamentalism – like ISIS – and the kidnapping of African school girls (by Boko Haram) in the middle east and Africa; the senseless bombing and murdering of Palestinians in GAZA by Israelis state controlled governmental forces – generally condoned by the Western powers – the destabilization of Ukraine as a sovereign country and demonization of Russia with sanctions by the same Western powers; The breakaway union of Russia, China, Brazil, India and South Africa (BRICS) to form a separate trading bloc independent of US Oil/Dollars; the increased murdering and racial profiling of young Black Americans by US police forces (Not just in #Ferguson) cumulating in demonstrations and social media exposes around the world; and the attempts to spread FEAR and panic among the African populations by the introduction of the “apparently” incurable Ebola virus…etc, etc…etc…
All the above events are happening at the same time and the prospect and increasing likelihood of more new events coming into focus should not at this point really even be debatable. They are going to and will continue to increase in occurrence. In fact some sources, I’ve come across say, this is all due to cumulate in 2016-17 as the “Illuminati-like” world dominating forces finally loose grip from their reins of power. Maybe? Or Maybe not? As there always seems to be something else that refuses to let go or stick to the original game script!
Regardless of the playing out schedule for what is occurring. What is of fundamental importance is for each of us to wake up to the new chosen reality we now wish to experience. We live in a FREE WILL universe. This means if we choose not to focus or embrace the new ascension based reality then we will drift away from those who do wish to experience this. We will remain focused in our chosen limited and locked in 3D World construct of Reality. Until the next time to shift our energy vibration comes around. Perhaps 26,000 years, maybe more, maybe less. It all depends on how the reality and growth of that alternative planetary world chooses to develop.
For those of us electing and choosing to go beyond our limiting and locked in 3D world construct , as I mentioned in my previous post, an approach to understanding many of the things that have been denied or hidden from us will need to be developed.
“…Bases 35 Sasquatch Part 2 End of Humanity…”
Many people are not aware that beings like sasquatch, big foot etc… are a separate species of indigenous humans on this planet. Of course this is denied by mainstream science. Just like our ET connection. Meanwhile many Governments, already aware of these truths, exploit our ignorance as a means of domination and control. Unsurprisingly though what you find, listening to this guy with 35 years experience communicating with them, is a history of attempted extermination, conquest and subjugation. A similar history to other indigenous native peoples! Despite this they still have a spiritual message for us and those psychopathic elements ruining and fighting for control of our planet.
Taken from the following blog…
“…The following are important messages from the Sasquatch given to SunBow TrueBrother of British Columbia. In these messages, the history and universal connection between sasquatch, humans, and some star species are outlined as well as the why/where/who/what questions that everyone is asking…!”
Taken from the following blog…
Simon Parkes is a UK ET contactee who has had extensive interaction with many different ET races. (specifically Reptilians, Mantids and Greys) This interview shows just how detailed that knowledge goes. He also displays for me a more spiritualised understanding of his own and our own Human ascension process taking place right now on this planet.
He reveals some valuable information here…
“Reptilians and Racism” – according to ET experiencer Simon Parkes…
I have often considered the ideology of racism to be foreign to this planet so this theory, if true, would not come as a surprise to me. The notion of superiority is a trait that I’ve come to understand about the Reptilian mind set predominant in elite minority white males vying for control of the Earth’s abundant peoples and material resources.
Taken from this interview...
“…How was racism seeded so deeply in the world? What was the purpose in grand history and cultural memories?…”
Questions and Answers from the Sphere Being Alliance…
Cosmic origins of white supremacy revealed with Secret Space Program Disclosures
Many of us are not looking deeper enough into the origins of this racism (white supremacy) disease…
The motion of our Sun, planets and stars around each other
This is an important video as it provides a REAL as opposed to fictional representation of how our solar system and the planets revolve around each other and the Sun.
Just pondering something like this can have a profound affect on our consciousness and how we see ourselves and our place in the world.
This is a sensation I have and do experience continuously. Even when its at night completely quiet. I thought it might be related to electromagnetic equipment around me but even when I unplugged all of this it was still there! There is definitely something going on here and this is probably the most in depth explanation so far I have come across…
This is an excellent report and summary about what is taking place right now concerning the global future of everyone on this planet!
Secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG)…
For my updated Facebook links goto #Kwamla_ETs
Gripping New Adventure as Space Program Insider Tours Mars Colony…
The pace seems to be quickening in the attempts to force REAL FULL DISCLOSURE into the public arena. If the information coming out and revealed so far is anything to go by. Then we are in for some really unbelievable shocks about what has been going on for some considerable time in human unofficial governmental institutions in space.
For me this is one of the prime reasons white global supremacy continues to exist unchallenged on this planet: Because those white elites who assumed or took control over the peoples and resources of this Earth believe they have the superior might and authority to continue to do so.
Read more…Gripping New Adventure as Space Program Insider Tours Mars Colony
Read more…Joint SSP, Sphere Alliance & ICC Leadership Conference & Tour of Mars Colony on 6.20.2015
Humanities Galactic Soul lineage and heritage – Bashar: The Human Soul Blue Print
For those of us who that don’t already know. This picture, for me, provides a more accurate and detailed historical account of Humanities Galactic Soul lineage and heritage. And even these are only the “general” ET influences.
This represents the real truth that is yet to be told or revealed about this planet’s ET inheritance. Many of us are going to be in for a really big shock when this becomes more widely known and accepted!!!
“…Organic vs. Artificial Immortality | Cyborg ET Races, AI Black Goo, ‘Wave X’, The Solar Shift & Organic Evolution…”
This is an excellent and indepth article with a fascinating explanation of our planets superconscious “Black Goo” and its alien AI counterpart. Another piece in this puzzle for me is its documented attraction to heavily melanated life forms?
…But the ‘event’ is not just a physical phenomenon. As discussed earlier, how well we reflect the truth in the mind, as a result of discernment, is essential. The solar event will create a huge influx of coherent electromagnetic and etheric energies, that must be grounded into a mind which has developed holistic thinking and processing. Therefore, those who refuse to seek the truth will experience increased intensity of negative emotions, which is the universes way of highlighting our incomplete and inaccurate knowledge. An act of bravery and will can transmute this egocentric state and rapidly alter a being to become holistic. I suspect that if a grand disclosure event occurs, much like what Goode describes, it will rapidly propel humanity towards an evolutionary quantum leap point, preparing us for the galactic wave and solar events…”
.Read more: Organic vs. Artificial Immortality | Cyborg ET Races, AI Black Goo, ‘Wave X’, The Solar Shift & Organic Evolution
Read more: Panel finds prima facie evidence for sentient, inorganic AI Artificial Intelligence & its stealth takeover of living Earth and humanity
The Star Gate Project” Did The US Government Really Shut It Down?
“…Star Gate” is a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) program which involved(s) the use of phenomena that many in the mainstream world still consider non-existent. Project “Star Gate” in particular lasted for 25 years before it was unexpectedly shut down.(1)(2)(3) Much of the material and research from the program still remain classified. “Star Gate” incorporated(s) consciousness, paranormal phenomena, ESP, remote viewing, and more for intelligence collection and research.(1)(2)(3) How can the Department of Defense have programs that study these phenomena for over 35 years when our mainstream world still doesn’t consider it real enough to study?…”
Read more…
The Black Female Andromedans are here…!
The Ascension Mysteries Have Been Solved!
The Matrix of Control – Beyond its 3D Manifestation
I like what has been set out and explained here. It goes directly to heart and reality of the “human condition”. A reality and condition we must choose to wake up to or continue in a state of half-actualized, self-perpetuating, planetary slaves.
We are at the cross roads of our choosing and the planetary matrix of artificial control knows and fears this…This has been the same message of this blog for many years now…
Read more…
Everything will change in fall of 2016 Bashar….Predicts China and Greece will crash in fall of 2016…
This is very interesting because Bashar doesn’t often make these sorts of coming months predictions. But at least this is one event that everyone can witness if it plays out or doesn’t. Lets hope the momentum of energy doesn’t change… 😁
Commentary on withdrawn Bashar “Everything will Change in Fall 2016” video…
Is There A War On What We Perceive To Be Reality Really Going On..?