Towards 2012…and the Dawn of a New Consciousness

Towards 2012…and the Dawn of a New Consciousness

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It has to be said we are living in momentous times when all sorts of changes in energy and consciousness are taking place.

These can be seen and indeed are reflected in the social, political and economic turmoils we are witnessing on a global basis. These changes can only intensify as we approach 2012.

For many, myself included, it represents the beginning of the end of our present world wide cultural, economical, and political system and the dawn of a new and dramatically enhanced one.

It does not, and I repeat, DOES NOT represent glum, destruction, Armageddon, or the end of the worlds civilization as falsely portrayed in the many Hollywood blockbuster films out now (2012) and soon to come out. (2012 Seeking Closure) Though maybe for some it may very well translate as this seen through their own perceptions!!!

No. It means much more than this and thankfully we will all get to choose how we wish to perceive this change as it is happening right now!!! There is now enough information widely available over the internet to attest to this “New Consciousness” phenomenon. One of the most detailed and authoritative sources I’ve come across by far is  David Wilcock and The 2012 Enigma.  Which features a 2 hour video presentation along with detailed transcripts covering the whole and a lot more issues!!!

However, the most thorough and detailed written analysis of exactly what this New Consciousness – or Ascension – really means comes from a recent source I discovered,  Dr Georgi Stankov. No other source I’ve come across so far attempts to break down in such detail the exact process of what this entails in human physical 3rd dimensional terms. Though it still remains to be seen if everyone will  chose to undergo this bodily transformation.

The date: December 21st 2012 has been known culturally for quite some time in the history of humankind. One of the most well known anchors for this date comes from the ancient Maya civilization.

Mayan City
Mayan City

who developed a calendar system which mysteriously ended on this date. The Mayan civilization has long since disappeared but their cultural remains along with some of their deserted cites can still be found in South America.

One of the best translations of what the Mayan calender system meant can be found in the presentations of the late Ian Xel Lungold.

This was much more than just a movement of the planetary bodies. Ian Lungold explains clearly and shows in detail how the Mayan system represented a path for the evolution of consciousness.


David Wilcock: So it’s very interesting to note that you have two different cultures on opposite sides of the Atlantic — the Mayan culture and the Egyptian culture. Both of them have their own highly complex time prophecy systems. Both of them focus on the exact same date in calendar time — and this date is very close by. [Furthermore, Western astrology tags the shift from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius as occurring in 2012 as well — and even mainstream astronomers will not dispute this point. So there are three different prophecy systems that directly point to 2012. We also know 2012 is expected to be the next solar cycle peak, according to NASA, thus jeopardizing our power grids.]


Essentially what the Mayans the Egyptians (and even Western Astrology and Astronomy inadvertently!) were predicting was the end of our current 26,000 year cycle of consciousness and the beginning of a new one. A new era in which our perception of ourselves, our world and the universe will be greatly expanded.

But just what will these changes really be and what will they really mean?

Listen to what Bashar has to say below:



And now listen to another perspective from the Native American Hopi:



Heres another useful perspective I came across from Human Angels: What is supposed to happen in 2012?

This is an interesting explanation about the process of DNA changes taking place, activated by our Sun, which is bringing about a change in our Carbon 12 – Carbon 7…in other words… a change in our consciousness called Ascension…

December 21, 2012: the date has enthusiasts in three major camps, those forecasting apocalypse, those who see a renewal – a new era of consciousness and those who see just another day…This film assesses the cumulative evidence for all those views.

Please Go to this link instead: “2012: Science or Superstition”

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10 thoughts on “Towards 2012…and the Dawn of a New Consciousness

    • Author gravatar

      A great summary – David Wilcock and 2012 coming Earth vibrational changes and what it means for all of us on this planet.

      For a most thorough, scientific and comprehensive detailed investigation into a lot of the things mentioned in this post I would highly recommend reading his latest book: “The Source Field Investigations”

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      “The Quickening” produced by Awakening As One

      Provides a detailed understanding of the growth and development of unity consciousness or the “Ascension” processes which is what 2012 is all about. This edited version of a much longer film gives a brief enough summary of how these changes have come about based on the Mayan calender and the model of the Mayan step pyramid.

    • Author gravatar

      For those already attuned and sensitive to world events taking place right now. No reminder is necessary. But for those who’ve yet to notice this will be your first opportunity to really sit up, pay attention and take notice…WAKE UP! Our world is changing…!!!

    • Author gravatar

      This is an interesting explanation about the process of DNA changes taking place, activated by our Sun, which is bringing about a change in our Carbon 12 -Carbon 7…in other words… a change in our consciousness called Ascension…

    • Author gravatar

      December 21, 2012: the date has enthusiasts in three major camps, those forecasting apocalypse, those who see a renewal – a new era of consciousness – and those who see just another day…This film assesses the cumulative evidence for all those views.


      This is a straight forward scientific evidence based film. The type most skeptics would have a hard time denying or explaining away. Yet it was made in 2007! 5 years ago and we are now in 2012…Further…much of the evidence that is explained in that film is happening right now!!!

      We all have been “educated” to believe in a LINEAR conception of time when our ancient ancestors knew this to be CYCLIC. We also have been erroneously “trained” to think that technological innovations of today far exceed those of the past.

      Unfortunately this type of thinking is just WRONG!!! The historical evidence, when you look for it and research it, shows this was simply just not the case.

      Straight forward scientific evidence based films like this should be available in the mainstream media for people to access for themselves. There absence, in this year of 2012, speaks volumes about the type of indoctrination and deliberate deception taking place on this planet right now.

      You slowly being to ask yourself what is it that is so important that our governments, media and educational institutions don’t want us to know?

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      “…According to the Russian scientists, unification of human consciousness and ascension to a higher state is the survival outcome. The Russian scientist group state that their interpretation of ET communications is that the only way that humanity will survive is through a process of consciousness transfer to a higher dimension. This appears to be a process similar to the “ascension” process described by other scientists such as Bulgarian scientist Dr. Georgi Stankov, who states that dimensional ascension in 2012 will be the only way that humanity can escape a cataclysmic “hell” on Earth (a term the Russian scientists use also).

      The Russians said that when you see this change, you have to leave this level of existence and will “have to go up in consciousness in the 4th dimension because if you don’t do that, you are not going to be able to survive the changes that come after.”

      Melchizedek added that “Every single government in the world is on red alert, trying to understand how to get through this problem with (the) sun and the magnetic field of the earth.”…”

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      “…In the Maya cosmovision, the change of era in 2012 means that the feminine energy of the Earth is gaining new strength. This energy is being expressed in the struggle of Mayan women to take back their right to the land, which is the basis of their independence and the right to voice their opinions and vote in their communities…”


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      What the Mayan Elders are saying about 2012

      “…Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed.”

      “We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition. As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth Changes.”

      He continues: “Humanity will continue, but in a different way. Material structures will change. From this we will have the opportunity to be more human. We are living in the most important era of the Mayan calendars and prophecies. All the prophecies of the world, all the traditions are converging now. There is no time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era is action…”


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      The Collective Evolution II: The Human Experience

      “…The Collective Evolution 2: The Human Experience is a documentary focused on showing each of the dimensions to the experience we call life. The documentary does this by addressing exactly who we all are, and why we are here. It further delves into each of the key pieces that make up the human puzzle, namely the planet, the body, and the ego.

      The documentary concludes by addressing the shift in consciousness that has already begun and continues to intensify on the planet.

      It’s intention is to further provide the viewer with the tools and understanding it needs to step out of current limitations and instead experience the infinite potentiality we are all capable of…”

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      Mayan explanation of what Government and scientists are trying to do as we rapidly approach 21st December 2012

      “…Ac Tah, of the Mayan people, gave a talk in Santa Monica last month [October]. In this exert he speaks about what is happening around December 21st 2012 and it’s significance to the world…”

      This is a thoroughly detailed and scientifically explained account of what scientists are really up to in projects and experiments with the LHC (Large Hadron Collider).

      It also explains some of the work the Mayan people are doing in Mexico and around the world to offset much of the destruction and devastation this has caused.

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